Un normal

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Well today is probably the most un normal days this week. My friend slapped me round around the face, then she came running back to me when she needed help with a boy. But me being me I helped her, her name is Freya I love her so much. But sometimes she can be a bitch, but everyone can be a bitch sometimes. I was talking to Freya via Facebook.

Freya-Why would he just be like that, we were so close.

Me-Yeah, but he can be a douche sometimes and you know that. And plus he is the one who said that your being a whore. Why do you still like him, he emotionally abuses you.

Freya-It's not that easy tho.

Me-I know it's not but you have to do something about this.

Freya- Ok, thanks Tasha.

Me- Well I got to go, my mum is here yaay what fucking joy!

Freya- Be careful.

------ Going downstairs.

"What do you want for dinner?" I asked.

"Nothing that your making." Tiffany said. Fuck her she can be a bitch.

"Whatever, mum?" I asked again.

"Nothing, you make yourself something." She said in a piss.

"I'm not hungry." I said whilst walking upstairs. I heard murmuring. They were talking about me again. What a fucking surprise. I played my music great an upsetting song it was Saviour by Black Veil Brides. That moment I saw a shooting star, so I wished I wished that Black Veil Brides would save me. After that I giggled to myself and checked my Facebook Tiegan had messaged me.

Tiegan- Omj check your Twitter now!!!

Me-Why? I can't be bothered to read all the nasty messages.

Tiegan-Just do it, and its not nasty messages I swear.

Me- Okk

I checked my Twitter, there was a notification from Ashley Purdy, it said @AshleyPurdy I'm trying to find a girl under the name of Tasha Price. She has Twitter and her name is @TashaBVBArmy if you read this message me or if you are her friend message me.

Omj why the fuck was he wanting to find me? I decided not to message him, I was too scared. I messaged Tiegan instead.

Me-I'm too scared to message Ashley! You do it for me please!!!

Tiegan-No you so it I'm outside your door I'll do it on your account.

Me- Ok I'm coming I'll be there when I have sneaked out.

I sneaked out the house by climbing out the window ans I met Tiegan in the park opposite me, I nodded and she got up and we walked to hers.

Wishing for You (A Black Veil Brides story) (Ashley Purdy Father Story)Where stories live. Discover now