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Andy's P.O.V.

Tasha and I were having a great time alone then just at the right time. Tasha got really excited I couldn't feel my hand. It was nice to see her excited. She has been looking really worried all night. Then her phone rang.

Tasha's P.O.V.

My phone started ringing. Unknown. I answered it anyways.

M- hello??

??- Hi it's Jayy.

M- Uh Uh hi

J- You okay? You seem worried.

M- I'm fine.

J- Okay.

M- So why you ringing?

J- I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie or something with me..?

M- Jayy I would but I'm scared.. I had a dream and you like kinda kidnapped me. And hurt bvb and stuff then you took me up stairs and that was the end. So I'm kinda scared..

J- I would never do that! I love you! And even if you are with Andy I will love you. Tasha just come to dinner or something. Not tonight but like tomorrow or the next day?

M- Sure.. And I love you too but s a friend. Lol a brother.

J- Oh okay.

M- Right I have to go ill talk to you tomorrow or later..

J- okay bye

I hung up. Well this is going to be hard to tell Andy.

"I have to go to the toilet." I said. They all nodded. I went to the toilet and pulled out my iPod. I went onto meow chat and looked for mine and Jared's (not padaleki) convo. Your probably wondering who he is. Jared is my friend. We are really close. I messaged him saying 'I have boy problem again :/' it wasn't really boy problem but I didn't know what to call it. He replied with 'what is it Adam ill fucking kill him!' I chuckled. I replied 'nope my dads band member Andy and I are together, but Jayy from BOTDF fancies from me and wants to go to see a movie together.. And I don't know what to do! Ok it's like the problem I had with me liking you I guess lmao'

He replied with 'Well haha your such a confusing person Tasha that's why I love you :) but go and see that movie with him and see how you feel about it'.

I just replied with 'okay' and closed the app..

I was thinking of doing something I haven't done in ages. When someone knocked on the door.

"Tasha are you okay you've been in there ages." I heard Jared say. I realised I started crying. I sniffled quietly.

"Yeah I'm fine" I said. Then Andy came in. Fuck forgot to lock the door.

"What's up baby?" He asked. I jus shook my head. I don't wanna talk. Just wanna curl up and die.

"Why would you wanna do that?" They all asked.

"Did I say that uhm out loud?" I asked. They all nodded.

"Long story. I want my dad" I said getting up and trying to get out the bathroom. But before I could I saw someone I thought I'd never see.. Jared.

"We were just talking o-on meow chat." I said surprised. He nodded and hugged me. I hugged back. He had a nice hug not as good as my dads but still good. I heard a cough. We pulled apart. I looked and saw Andy giving Jared daggers.

I hugged Andy and whispered.

"He's a mate he's like a brother to me." He looked at me and smiled. I let go of Andy and want to Jared.

"This is for all the times you've said sorry." I said then I bit him really hard.

"Ow fuck ill never say sorry again" he said I then licked his face.

"Wow really Tasha?" he asked.

"Yes jar jar." I replied using his nickname shit I know but it was better than Jared seen as there were two Jared's now!

"Well waffles my beautiful waffles your special" He said. Andy then thee him killer evils.

"Andy calm the fuck down!" I said. His eyes softened. I went to stand next to him.

"Andy when's dad home?" I asked. As I said that I heard him and everyone else walk in.

"Tasha where are you? I wanna give you something" Jake? Jake I think said. He walked in and came to me and hugged and kissed me I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me so I kicked him in the balls. I ran up stairs into the bathroom in my room. I locked it an tried to find the one thing I had to help me. I found it I gulped.

"Tasha you need this" my mind was saying. "Your ugly your worthless your nothing to anyone. Just die" It kept telling me to do it. I then took my trousers off and took my object and slid it across my thigh. Blood started dripping on the white tiled floor. Everyone was banging at the door so I thought I'll play my music i put SayWeCanFly on and it was bruised my bones I started crying and cut more then I cut my wrists then all if a sudden Andy burst through the door. Then I blacked out

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