Chapter i cant name :)

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"It is not what it looks like!" I shouted back whilst getting out and trying to go to my bunk, but someone grabbed my wrist I hissed.

"Tasha you will explain to me what it was  then.".Dad said

"Fuck you no, now fucking let go of me!" I hissed.


"I said No now get the fuck off me now!" I screamed

"Tasha please." He said trying to make me, he was calming down a little.

"No, leave me alone." I said. He finally let me go.

"Andy or someone talk to her, I can't she won't listen to me." I heard Dad say it sounded like he.was crying a little.

"Tasha can I come in?"I heard Jake say. I as fine with Jake, He was caring and shy.

"Sure." I budged over so he could sit with me.

"Why we're you with Jinxx?" He asked.

"Well we had a movie marathon and then all of a sudden Jinxx kissed me, and I didn't know what to do, I did NOT kiss back. I asked why and he said because who I was, and then that's when you guys found us.".I said.

"Well, I think that everyone has a crush or something on you, except for Ash cuzz that would be fucking weird." He said, it made me chuckle.

"Wait you have something for me!?" I said confused.

"Kinda, but don't worry I won't fuck you and Freya up." He said.

"Thanks your a real mate, but don't say anything, but Andy is pissing me off  He keeps trying to help me, but it's like he wants me, and it pisses me off so badly." I said.

"He always does this when he likes someone. Be careful, he may be the one to break you and Freya up." He said, O was  worried now. I love Freya.

"Um ok, thanks Jake, can I have a hug?" I asked he nodded I gave him a really big hug and he hugged me back.

"Don't change Tasha your perfect the way you are. And don't do it.again" He said and.pulled away from.Me and grabbed my sleeves and pulled them up, I looked down at the bedding on my bed.

"Ok I won't." I said.

"Tasha look at me and promise." He.said I looked up at him.

"I can't promise, but I can try." I said half smiling.

"Good, you can always talk to me." He said and left. I got out as well and went to my Dads bunk to see if he.was in there he wasn't there. I went to the living room and or the kitchen, he was there.

"Dad I'm sorry." I said looking down at the floor. And playing with my sleeve I was so tempted to pick the scabs of my cuts, but I was in front of everybody well in front of bvb and Tiegan.

"It's ok. I over reacted." He said and obviously came.over and he hugged me, I loved his hugs it made me feel safe and it made.Me.feel like I was the only one he.loved, but I knew that one day he will find someone them as well. When I thought about that I frowned.

"What's up baby girl?".He asked.

"Nothing" I replied.

"Sure, tell me the truth." He said.

"No.It's stupid." I replied.

"Well of it is stupid then you can tell us." He said.

"Fine,.I don't want you to find someone and settle down, I don't want to be forgotten." I said. He bent down because I'm a short ass. He stared into my brown eyes.

"I will never forget about you. You are my little fallen Angel and I love you forever and always." He said my lips made a smile.

"I love you dad.".I replied. My phone went off the ring tone was 'Death To Your Heart' by BOTDF that ment it was Andy, I changed it before I came out of the bunk with Jake.

Phone Call: M-Me A-Andy

M-What the fuck do you want!?

A-Meet me by the steam engine park, I want to show you something and be alone.

M- why, when and what if I don't want to.

A-Why because I need to show you something. When in 20 minutes and you want to because you want to know what it is, I am not a very stupid person.


A-Just meet me there 20 minutes.


End of Phone call.

"I'm going out for a walk" I said.

"Be safe." Dad said.

"I will, I have my phone anyhow." I said.

"Ok." He replied. I started to walk I was tired I wanted my bed. When I finally got there, Andy was waiting on the swing. What a child.

"Andy what the fuck do you want, 1 I'm cold, 2 I'm tired and 3 I can't be bothered to walk back. Now this better be important or you have no Penis".I threatened.

"Well see you to Tasha" he said.

"Hurry the fuck.up getting bored." I said in third person because he hates it.

"Fine here have this and remember me when you wear it." He said and put on a razor blade necklace with Andy carved into it, it was cute and I liked it, but I would get pissed of with it.

"Umm thanks?" I said in a questioning voice.

"No problem now let's get back."He said. I walked back he got in his rental car and drove to the bus. I got there after him thank God. Every one was in bed when I got in because  I stopped at the hairdressers first I got my dream hair style like Dahvie Vanitys, if your wondering where the money cam from Dad gave me like £300 to do whatever the fuck I wanted with so yeah. I sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV I wasn't tired I was bored so I started to sing then I went outside and started to sing perfect weapon and I did the screaming bits so that's why I went outside. I went back in I saw Andy out of bed and on the sofa smiling.

"You never said you sang and screamed."  he said.

"Never thought it would.matter." I said trying to avoid him.

"Well your voice is, wow I can't explain." He said.

"Thanks well I'm going to get a drink and go to bed." I said and walked to the fridge and grabbed a monster and sat down on the floor yes the fucking floor I'm not normal deal with it.

"You can sit with me you know  I'm not gunna bite." Andy said.

"I know, but I bite." I said. And at that point I had finished my monster and got up and started to walk to the bin.

"You drank that fast." Andy stated.

"I know, I drink fast." I said.

"Well night Tasha see you tomorrow." He said.

"Goodnight." I said and went into my bunk and went onto my IPod and went on Snapchat cuzz you know yolo aha.


Sorry for the shit chapter and sorry it is short :'( xxx

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