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Andy's P.O.V.

Ok today is the day I get Tasha.  I'm actually going to go up to her and kiss her. Yes that should work. Everyone loves it. Well all the girls do ;) 

I then got a phone call from Ashley?

A=Andy A-P=Ashley

A-sup ash you ok?

A-P-get over here now!

A-alright calm down what's happened?

A-P- my daughter has said something. Just hurry the fuck up!

Well he is in a piss, but why? I went to Ashley' s place and knocked on the door it was Tasha, she looked.so.perfect. She had her hair down. She was wearing shorts and a short sleeved top with loads of braclets. I saw something in her wrist it was a scar. She then realised and pulled her bracelet back down.

"come in Dads in the Kitchen" she said and walked into the living room where Jake was they were.cuddling. Well that's odd. Wait there not together? No. I walked into the kitchen to where ash was.

"Hey ash what's up?" I asked.

"You." He said. What?

"What have I done?" I.asked I am.literally confused.

"You like my daughter." He said how did he know?

"Um" I said.

"I know you do Tasha said. She is with Jake now, so just leave it. Go back to Juliet." He said.

"No! SHE CHEATED ON ME!" I screamed.

"Sorry Andy, I don't see you in that way, I see.You like a brother way, maybe one day, but now I'm with Jake and.He.has fixed some of me.".Tasha said behind me.

"Tasha, just promise me one thing and I will stop being around you all the time?" I said/ Asked.

"What?" She said and.had a worried face on.

"Don't do it again. And if you want to do it tell.someone even if it is me I don't mind" I said and took her wrist. She winced.

"I can't promise." She said.

"Ok don't promise just go to someone before hand ok?" I said she nodded and left. I heard her go to the bathroom.

"What was that about?" Ash asked.

"Haven't you seen her arms?" I asked. His eyes grew bigger and had a hint of sadness and anger.

He stormed upstairs. I heard shouting.

"Tasha open the fucking door!" He shouted.

"Dad leave me alone" She said.

"What are.You doing in there?" He asked/shouted.

"Talking to people." She replied what?

"Tasha what are you on about?" He said.

"I'm talking to Callum." She said.

"Who's Callum?" Ash asked.

"My friend he doesn't like Jake, He doesn't like any of my boyfriends though. He said if I don't end.it he will hurt me" She shouted back. I heard the bathroom door open.

Tashas P.O.V.

"Fuck you Callum, I love him." I said to Callum. He was my 'friend' no one could.see him except for me. He had been my friend since I was 3, yes people.though I was weird but he was there for.Me. But when I got a boyfriend or girlfriend He used to harm me. Like he used to never let me go. He would lock my door and he used to throw me across my room. But no one knew.

"I will hurt you. Now go and get rid of him and out your life" Callum said. I opened the door of the bathroom and then Ashley came in and hugged me.

"Callum what's me to get rid of Jake, but I love him and don't want to lose him" I cried into Ashley.

"What? Who's Callum?" He asked. I explained who and what Callum is and what he does.

"I think you should get rid of Callum not Jake." He said.

"But, I don't know how. And plus he has been listening the whole time." I said and saw Callum.

"Well I will leave. You make the right decision now" He said. I nodded.


"Tasha?" Callum said.

"Y-Yeah?" I questioned in a shaky voice.

"You want me to go?" He asked.

"Well. No, but you don't like me being with anyone. And I want to be with Jake. Ans you won't let me, you'll hurt me again."

"I won't hurt you, but I'll go, if you need me remember what to do" He said.

"Yeah, I say your name and punch a wall" I said.

"Good, now I guess this is bye." He said.

"Yep, good bye Callum".I said and he disappeared. I sighed ans went downstairs. I went straight to my dad and gave him a massive hug, I started to cry.

"Babe? Why you crying?" Jake asked.

"My friend just left." I said.

"What friend?" He asked.

"My friend Callum..He just disappeared and the way to get him back is to say his name and punch a wall. But he doesn't like my boyfriends or Girlfriends." I said.

"Ok, but never punch a wall" He said, I smiled. The my phone went off it was  Gangsta Sexy by Hollywood Undead it was Tiegan.



M- What the fuck do.You want?

T-I'm so sorry please I need to talk to you and plus I have a present seen as it is your birthday today!

M-Tiegan you know I hate my birthday so shut it.

T-Fine I'll come over


I hung up the phone and Dad gave me a funny.look.

"What?" I asked.

"It's your birthday?" He questioned.

"Maybe" I said. Moving out if his arms and moving towards the stairs.

"Tasha! I do know it's your birthday I'm not an idiot." He said shit.

"Um last time I checked you were, but hay" I said then the door bell went I got it. then I got attacked by Tiegan.

"Tiegan personal bubble" I said.

"Oh sorry" She said and got off me.

"So you are here because?" I said.

"To give you this so you can talk to Jake" She said nudging me.

"No I hate him." I said.

"What? Why would you hate me? I thought you loved me?" Jake said shit.

"Not you a different Jake. Someone I went out with before you, but I.hate him ans Tiegan was being a dick!" I said.

"Ok." He said and walked away. Tiegan then gave me 2 bags full of presents.

"Um Tiegan? you ok?" I said she never got me this.much before.

"Yeah, it's only cuzz I never knew how much shit you've been in before so here I have given you what I got you to say I'm sorry and Happy Birthday." She said.

"Thanks, let's go into the front room and open my presents." I said. She nodded and we went into the front room.

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