You and Me can't be together any longer?!

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Andy's P.O.V.

Tasha had just gone to bed. Wow she was amazing at singing, the best thing is she could scream as well. I gave her a present today at the park, she was a bit confused. I was a little confused  why she was confused, but hay that's life. 

I heard noise from Tasha's bunk, it sounded like sniffling. She must have been crying fro some reason.

"Tasha?" I asked.

"Leave me alone." I got told back softly.

"I'm not leaving untill you tell me what's wrong." I said, she sniffled and I heard her put somethings away, then she opened her curtain, she had blood shot eyes, and her eyes were puffy,

"What?" She said.

"Tasha what is wrong?" I asked.

"Come in." She said, and I got in her bunk and she got a text, when she got it she burst into tears.

"Tasha you don't just burst into tears when you get a text, now seriously what the fuck is wrong?" I said again she sighed and gave me her phone and she showed me some texts, when she gave me her phone something caught my eye her arm it was red. Well not all of it most of it tho.

"Look at the texts." She said I did.

Freya- Hi yeah, we can't be together because 1. My dad won't let me move to America, and 2. I'm getting with Liam, he's better than you and I'm sorry.

Tasha- Ok well talk whenever yeah?

Freya-Sorry we can't talk, Liam won't let me, and plus I don't want you rubbing it in my face that Ashley is your dad.

Tasha-I would never fucking do that, but hay you know what you want, so I guess this is bye.

Freya- Good bye.

"Tasha, are you o-" I got cut off.

"DOES IT FUCKING LOOK LIKE I'M OK?" She nearly screamed, I think she woke everyone up.

"What is going on?" Ash said really sleeplily.

"Nothing Dad, go back to bed." Tasha said normally like nothing had gone wrong I shot her 'wtf' look, she shrugged.

"Alright night love you." He said.

"Night." She said back.

"Tasha please tell me you didn't do anything stupid" I said looking at her white batman top with blood on her sleeves (it was a long sleeved top).

"N-No" She stuttered.

"Tasha" I said with a serious tone. She burst into tears.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't k-know what t-to do." She said, with that I took her arm she flinched a bit and I rolled up her sleeve and kissed the cuts on her arm she flinched again, I did that with both arms.

"Tasha never do this, you are beautiful, your life will end up with enough scars you don't need to manufacture your own." I said, she smiled and hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Thanks Andy, can you sleep in my bed tonight like actual sleep." She said I chuckled, and I nodded and got out of my clothes so I was just in my boxers. 

"Oh and by the way CC is sleeping naked tonight so becareful when you wake up." I said and kissed her head and she snuggled into my chest.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Morning :)

Tashas P.O.V

I woke up and no one was next to me :( I felt a.little upset. I got out  and I saw everyone up including CC I was amazed. I made sure I plastered a smile on my face and I walked into the kitchen/ living room bit.

"Morning guys!" I said loudly and happily. Everyone turned to me and looked at my batman top shit I didn't change.

"I'll be right back?" I said in a question way, I walked away, but someone grabbed my shoulder.

"Tasha why?" Dad asked.

"Let go of me please" I said he did and I carried on walking untill I got to my bunk, I grabbed a different top and shoved it on. I walked back and everyone had upset faces on let's pit some smiles on there faces.

"Guys? I'm pregnant".I said. Dad looks  at me with angry eyes.

"WHAT!" He shouted.

"Jesus it's called a fucking joke who is going to be that dad Freya?" I said and fell to the floor laughing.

"Guys we are at the airport." John said. There were echo' s of 'k' 'alright'.

"Potassium" I said.

"What?" Jinxx said.

"K is the symbol for potassium so I say potassium instead of K" I explained he made an 'O' face.

"Lets.get on the plane guys" I shouted and ran out. I came back in crying I fell off the.first step.

"I hurt my knee.and.I think it has came out of place!!" I screamed in pain. FUCK it hurt.

"Oh my God tasha remember breath and do it to ten over and over I will pop it back in" Tiegan said. I just nodded all of a sudden there was a pop.

"aaarrhhhhh Shit!!! Crutches where did I put them?".I.asked then Tiegan came back to me with the crutches.

"Thanks mate." I said getting up with help from the guys and I used the crutches and walked into the airport with Dad carrying my shizzle.

"Right let's go." Dad said when we were through all the check point thingys

"Ok guys can I just say when you come round and I'm in just my bra and pants don't stare I always do it." I said.

"It's true she.did it at.mine.all the time." Tiegan said.

"Don't worry I won't do it for at least 2 weeks" I said an  gave Tiegan a 'I need to talk to you' look. She  nodded.

"Ok well I'm sitting next to Tasha and Ashley. Jinxx and Jake and CC can be together and then Andy can be on his own or something" Tiegan said when we got on the plane.

"Alright, but you have to sit in between me and Ash because in need to tell you something and he will flip, he will already flip when we get to America and into my new.home because of my arms, but I'm not telling him I'll tell you tho" I said.

"Ok" she said

The plane journey was boring I explained everything that happened last night and then I.fell asleep.

"Tasha? Tasha? Wake up we are here and we are home" I heard Dad say.

"Huh? we America?".I asked.

"Yeah and.we are at home we got Andy to carry you." He said.

"Shit,.was I to heavy?" I asked, I was fat I knew I was everyone said I wasn't but I was.

"No, what are you on about your not fat.".He replied.

"Did I.say that out loud?".I asked.

"Yeah,".He said. Shit.

"Oh and before I forget why did you do it to your arms?" He asked.

"Uh-uhh well I can't say, because you'll find it stupid and then you will kick me.out or you'll start hurting me." I said.

"I would never ever hurt you.".He said.

"Well I don't know how to tell you" i said.

"Ok , but if you ever need to talk, come to me, never go to that metal, it doesn't listen it leaves scars." He said.

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