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Andy's P.O.V.

I had been a proper dick. Tasha was in hospital and I was out getting drunk and trying to forget everything that's happened, I really don't know why Tasha still wants to be with me. I'm a fuck up.

"Andy?!" I heard, I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Yup?" I replied. There sat an annoyed looking Tasha.

"I need to get out of here now! And your standing around doing fuck all! Jayy and Dahvie would be better here not you" She said, well damn she is pissed.

"I'm sorry Hun, right OK lets get you out." I said, I helped her get undressed and put her clothes on. When we had done that, I got Ashley and got him to get her in the wheelchair. I would have done it, but she wanted Ashley.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Going Home ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*Still Andy's P.O.V.*

We finally got home, Tasha was sleeping. I was sat in the car next to Ashley, he was driving.

"So you cheated huh?" He asked me suddenly

"W-what no" I said shocked. It is true I didn't.

"You said that Juliet was shit in bed remember. And then you said you wanted to see how MY baby girl was in bed. Can you remember that?" He asked. Shit.

"Yes I remember saying it, I shouldn't have said it. I didn't mean it I promise." I said I truly did mean it. I love her, I don't really know why, I just do I have that feeling. I never had it with Juliet or Scout.

"IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GO!" Tasha screamed. She then started crying.

"Tasha! Calm down." Ashley said.

"I-i can't, i-i can't breath. Help me." She said, Ash pulled over and I rushed out and put her on my lap and hushed her, she wouldn't calm down, she was shaking.

"Mum, she's coming to get me." Tasha panicked..

"She isn't we won't let her" Ash said in calm soothing voice, but I could tell he was worried for her.

She finally calmed down and fell asleep on me Ash then started driving again. When we got home everyone was there, I had Tasha in my arms. 

"Guys she had like a panick attack in the car so maybe later" Ash whispered so he didn't wake Tasha. They all nodded and I took her to her/our room, I layed her down in the bed and kissed her forehead and started to go to the door. 

"Can I come down with you?" Tasha asked, I jumped.

"Yeah, everyones here." I said she nodded and came to me sleepily and I held her hand and we walked downstairs and into the living room. 

"Oh well looks who's awake." CC cheered, Tasha did her little giggle. I smiled at her and she smiled back. 

"Well Tasha cuzz you are fabulous, you have a cake in the kitchen" Ash said, Tasha let go of my hand and ran into the kitchen and she screamed. I then ran in and saw her smiling like shes been given a chealse smile, she was so happy about it. 

The cake was a Jeff The Killer Cake. She loves Jeff The Killer I found her laying in bed petrified once cuzz she was watching something about it.

"I LOVE IT!!" She screamed in happiness. They all chuckled. She got a knife and carefully cut it up. First before she cut it, she took the massive Icing Statue of Jeff The killer off. It was amazing.

"Who made it?" She asked.

"Secret hun" Kevin Ghost said. Tasha's face lit up even more. She then sat down on the floor. I looked at her and she was nearly in tears.

"Um someone get a pillow now!" I shouted, I bent down next to her and made her lay down, someone gave me a pillow and I put it under her head. 

"I-i don't k-know whats h-happening. My Arghh" She clutched her stomach. She then turned and threw up.  

"I feel better now." Was all she said and started to clean the sick up. What the actual? She is acting strange. 

"Tasha go lay down on the sofa now" Ashley demanded she looked really scared she nodded and went to lay down on the sofa.

"What's up with her?" I asked.

"I recon that dream has made her think we were gunna beat her or do something horrid to her. Umm Jayy we should call him, maybe they can help?" He questioned. I nodded. I got the phone and dialed there number. 

M- Me J- Jayy


M-Um hi Jayy it's Andy here, but Tasha she's been acting weird and um Ash thinks you could help us.

J- *coughs* Yeah sure I'm on my way see you in a min

*end of call* 

"He's on his way" I said 

"No! Don't get him, no no no don't let him hurt me!" Tasha screamed, she was standing by the door.

"We aren't gunna let anyone hurt you babe." I said calmly and soothingly, she gave me a look and hugged me. I picked her up and led her on the bed. There was a knock on the door, I opened it and there stood Jayy and Dahvie. I let them in they thanked me. Jayy went to Tasha. He sat infront of her and rubbed her cheek softly.

~~~~~~~~~ Jayy's P.O.V.

"Hey Tasha, how you feeling?" I asked. 

"I'm o-ok" She stuttered.

"Why are you scared of me hunnie?" I asked

"Umm... I um feel ok um yeah." She said. Her face had fear and happiness in her eyes.

"Hunnie what's wrong?" I asked, she wasn't alright. She was anything, but alright.

"Um it's my mum she's coming to get me, I saw it in my dream, she said in my dream that if I started to do things around this house that Dad and Andy and everyone wouldn't beat me. She also said that in a couple of days she would have found me and would kill me, now I'm really scared." She said, tears formed in her eyes and I pulled her into a hug.

"Shh nothings gunna happen to you, Andy and Ash will never ever beat you, and if they do, come to me or Dahvie or the otheres from bvb." I said and she nodded.

"Can I sleep?" She asked.

"Of course you can hunn." I replied and kissed her forehead and let her be and went to the others.




I just have no ideas really so can you guys help me or something or I'm gunna end this story which I don't want to do.

So yeah Please help me 


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