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You smack the alarm clock with so much force a spring somehow comes flying out.

"Damn, another thing to fix." You grunt. You stand up and get your school uniform on and grab a breakfast bar for your trip.

Mika [7:20am]

Hurry the hell up! We're waiting outside your door.

You give a big sigh and swing your door open and there is Mika looking amazing as always. She grabs your arm and we start running..

"Is there any reason why we need to be running?" You pant

"Are you serious?! There's a new guy coming to school, and also I wanted you to get some exercise to make up for your 6 week holiday of doing nothing." She replies giving a smug grin

"Not my idea of exercise."

We finally arrive at school and change our shoes at the lockers. What Mika said earlier about a new boy coming to school.. I'm not interested in him, I'm just.. curious?

You shake your head and get rid of the thought and walk to your classroom waiting for the bell when the most annoying kid in school tries to start conversation about the new boy.

"Please go away I'm really not in the mood." You grumble as she scowls at you and struts off making a loud squeak as she turns her shoe.

"Hey girl something up? You seem SUPER moody" Mika appears out of the blue.

"Meh nah I'm fine." You shrug. Mika does the same and gives a goodbye wave and rushes off to her classroom.

The bell eventually rings and you proceed to stand in the classroom, for some reason there's lots of screaming coming from the corridor so you decide to investigate.

There in the crowd is.. the new boy.. surrounded by petty fangirls. It makes you grunt again and shake your head at their stupidity.

The teacher walks into the classroom and ushers all the screaming kids into class, including the new boy.

You honestly wanted to die at this point.

"Good morning class! I am your tutor you will have this year. And we have a new student." The teacher says and motions for the new kid to stand next to her.

This school year is gonna suck.

Scars//Psycho Yandere x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now