Chapter 2

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{Y/N's POV}

"That man felt really ominous" I was exclaiming to Mika at lunch. I don't think Mika was listening which kind of, I mean really annoyed me. 

"MIKA!" I yelled

"Oh my god (y/n) I'm listening you don't have to yell at me, who cares if he's ominous? He's cool and cute there isn't anything else to him, which makes him the perfect dude, god I wish I could marry that handsome face! Our wedding would look amaz-" Mika rambled and then I interrupted her.


Mika stared at me

"Excuse me! I thought you were my friend..?" 

I sigh, here comes Mika's 'dramatic breakdown betrayal' thing. 

"Mika I'm seriously not in the mood." 

Mika stomps off leaving me alone and I sigh. 

 "Isn't it time for your class?" Minoru walks over and scuffs his shoe against the floor making a squeak that makes me cringe.

"Yeah I guess." I go to walk off but get stopped by Minoru (for like the blimmin 500th time)

"Ooh.. change of mood? You really hurt me earlier, not just by words but also by actions." He hums as he rolls the sleeve of his trouser up to reveal a huge bruise.

"Oh, christ... I'm sorry."

Minoru keeps humming, the tune sounds familiar for some reason.. 

"Ring a bell?" he says

It's my favourite song..

Was it just coincidence he knew that?

"Hey that's my favourite song," I say

"It's mine too." He smiles 

I wave goodbye and walk off slightly disturbed, 

what's with him?


I go to my next class and sit down throwing my bag onto the floor. Where's Mika? She's probably somewhere trying to get attention by fake-crying, which will result in me getting in trouble. Damn. 

Nibbling the end of my pen, I smell a familiar scent as I sit down, its Minoru. 

"Hi Y/N!"

"Oh hey Minoru." I keep turning the pages fidgeting.

"Something up?" he asks

I stare at him in the face, he looks taken aback and shuffles away a little looking away, huh?

"It's Mika."

"Oh. I see." he says ignoring what he just did

As I turn back around I feel like someone's watching me, it's not a normal feeling.. It's way more.. menacing..


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