Chapter 9

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I woke up suddenly in a white room. My leg was also wrapped in a plaster cast and Minoru was towering over me nervously. He thought I wasn't awake so I kept my eyes shut. I can hear him muttering.

"Satoshi made me do this." He clenches his fists and walks to the window, he suddenly smashes it and grabs me.

He calls my name and I reply with barely a nod.

"I have some bad news.. Satoshi is.. dead." He bows his head.

I gasp but before I can actually do anything he leaps out of the window, gracefully landing on the soft grass. He kisses my forehead randomly which makes me quiver in his arms, he obviously felt it because he smiles at me.

"SATOSHI!" I suddenly scream as I see two people carrying him on something.

"Poor lad tried to escape, looks like he got hit by a vehicle of some sort. I think it was a murder but we have to listen to the doctors and nurses." The first man who spoke had tired eyes, he flicked his bed hair out of the way as I looked at him. He clearly didn't bother to look good today.

The other person just stayed mute. His face was quite pale.

Then Minoru said something which shocked me.

"He's dead. Just throw him underground or something, he can't be saved obviously, just look at him."

I stare at Minoru and squirm out of his arms successfully.

Staring at Satoshi, I bow my head onto his chest and start crying.

"Sa-to-s-shi" my voice is hoarse and every syllable comes out in gulps. I feel a comforting hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see the mute boy.

"It's okay" he mumbled with his barely audible voice. He patted my head and in the corner of my eye I thought I saw Minoru giving him a horrible glare.

"My names Shizuka by the way" he smiles and goes back to the bed hair boy.

"If we don't hurry up and bring him in he might have no chance of survival." The bed hair boy says.

They rush in and Minoru sighs at me because I was trying to stand on one leg the whole time.

He rolls his eyes and offers to pick me back up, I shake my head but his face perks up a little suddenly.

"We're going on a little holiday soon, I've bought a nice villa. Just a nice, desolate island with a small population, lots of attractions, a swimming pool and everything you could imagine." He describes each word with hand movements.

Not going to lie but it sounded really interesting and fun.

"When are we going?"

"2 weeks."

My eyes light up and I smile with gratitude.

"That's nice of you!" He smiles as I say it.

"Should we go home?" Those four words made me feel sad again. Trapped again in a cottage. But.. it's with him.

The only one I can trust, the only one I know that won't die suddenly out of the blue..


I rest y/n on some pillows and prop her leg onto some more pillows. After, I then put a bell on the table beside her.

"Ring that if you need me."

She nods and I walk out of the room to grab a small snack.

Another ring from the doorbell alarms me.

A second person.. seriously?

Opening the door, a pale boy and a boy with messy hair smile but then see me and frown.

"What do you want?" I cross my arms.

"We went to see 'ow the lil 'un is doin." His way of speech made me feel sick inside.

"Sorry but I don't accept people like you around her."

The pale boy pushes the messy one out of the way and bows. He begins to talk in a timid tone.

"Please.. let us in.. we won't do any harm. You can watch us."

I sigh and let him in but keep a close eye on the messy guy behind him.

The narrow stairs is a perfect time to grab him.

"Hey dude with the messy hair, you dropped something."

He stops and I grab him and hold my hand over his mouth, I ducttape it then shove him in in a wardrobe, and just in time open the door to see a newly arrived boy sitting on a chair shyly. It seems they are having a great conversation together.

Y/n looks extremely happy when she hears the words 'Satoshi' and 'Alive' however this makes me extremely angry but I have to fake a smile.

How could he have possibly survived such a fatal attack from me?! Especially with the injures I left him.


Authors notes

Every name in this book has a meaning. It describes their personality. It may give spoilers to how they will act in the future so it's your choice if you want to look it up! :3 I'm sorry it took so long to write a chapter this short :(

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