Chapter 1:And Then There Was Me....

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"Okay you can so do this Nina, just take a deep breath"

I breathed out a huge sigh as I paced back and forth around the empty school garden. It was an understatement to say I was simply nervous: No, I was freaking out of my mind. I kept playing out the scenario in my head trying to think of all the possible outcomes.

I could hear footsteps right behind me and I knew it was now or never. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I turned around to see his beautiful dark green eyes staring at me questioningly.

Breathing out the breath I didn't know I was holding, I opened my mouth to start

"Hey Nathan... there's just something I need to say and I know it sounds crazy and...."

"It's okay, just calm down; there's no need to nervous. I won't judge you, I promise" he said putting his hands up in mock surrender.

I closed my eyes and took another deep breath for good measure, my stomach felt queasy and I wanted to bolt and just say it was nothing. Sure he would think I was weird but it was better than having him hate me.

No get your act together Nina! This is your last chance! I thought mentally reprimanding myself

"Nathan, I really really like you and I know it sounds ridiculous because I mean you're you and I'm me, but I just had to say it" I said all panicky.

I was afraid to look at him in the eyes when I finished speaking and settled on looking at the ground. I flinched a little when he began to speak.

"Wow, well... I don't know what to say. Thank you maybe? I'm sorry though, I just started dating Cassidy. You're a sweet girl but I'm sorry" He said rubbing the back of his head uncomfortably

Seeing his discomfort I said "No... Not at all I was ridiculous... just pretend I didn't say anything" I said holding back my tears and walking away from him as quickly as I could.

Usually, I'm not one to cry but I liked him for all four years of my high school life. Every time I would see him in homeroom and think to myself that I should just confess, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. All that pent up emotion just lets its self out by crying and I was helpless to stop it.

He was a Royal and I was just another girl in his class. I have always hated this stupid royal system. All it teaches people is that beautiful and rich people get what they want, and the other mass majorities were made to serve them. It was stupid.

However the student body thought otherwise. The Royals were picked based on wealth and beauty and only the top 6 of the student body made it. The royals run the school under the guise of getting elected into office. Nathan was president and Cassidy his 'loyal' Vice president but let's just say some of them were corrupt.

If one of them didn't like you then all their adoring fans also known as the rest of the school would 'punish' you in their stead and not to mention that if you pissed one of them off enough, they would personally drive you into your own personal hell.

Only Nathan wasn't like that, he was too good to see the evil that his so called girlfriend and fellow officers were up to. I find it a miracle that he wasn't corrupted at all. However what got me to like him wasn't because he was a royal, my reason for liking him wasn't as shallow as everyone else's and it all started at the beginning of the school year


"I going to be so late! Where the hell is the front gate anyway?" I said frantically trying to find my way around the huge academy.

Finally after finding the gate, I found it to be locked much to my dismay. I needed to find an alternative entrance and I when I spotted the tree near the wall. I knew just how to do that.

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