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"Aurora, wake up. It's time to go!"

i open my eyes to see my long time best friend Taehyung looking slightly aggravated.

i open my eyes to see my long time best friend Taehyung looking slightly aggravated

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i groan and pull my pillow over my head, "five more minutes."

the warm pillow is quickly pulled off of my head.

"You said that five minutes ago!" Tae whines

I slowly sit up and rub my eyes, giving him a soft glare.

He gives me a wide toothy smile and stands up, throwing me my Adidas pants and a sweatshirt.

"We're going to be late if you don't hurry your ass up." He says, beginning to walk towards my bedroom door.

I groan as he walks out the door and I begin to change to what he threw me.


I walk downstairs after I do my daily morning routine and walk into my kitchen, seeing my other best friend Jungkook sitting at my kitchen table. 

"It's about damn time you're up,  Aurora." He playfully glares "Taehyung thought you fell back asleep."

I laugh, "Kookie, it takes time to look good."

He rolls his eyes as I see Taehyung walk into my view. 

"Oh hey, you're ready. Now let's get going before we're late. I have a test in Music and Professor Yoongi doesn't like students being late." He says impatiently.

I nod and grab my backpack from the chair next to Kookie as we all walk out of my mini-apartment. 


We eventually arrive at the school, surprisingly on time with almost 10 minutes to spare. 

Walking towards the principle's office to get to our lockers, I notice Principle Seokjin talking to a guy with grey hair wearing a suit holding his phone. 

I continue to stare as we walk by and he gives me a small wink and a smirk

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I continue to stare as we walk by and he gives me a small wink and a smirk. My heart keeps a beat as I blush and continue walking with my friends. 


Tae, Kook, and I arrive at our lockers which are conveniently all placed next to each other. 

"Aurora, what do you have for first period?" Tae asks, putting books in his locker. 

"Art. Why?" I reply, glancing over at him. 

"Well, I don't think you have an art teacher for that class anymore. There may just be a substitute for the rest of the year. At least that's what I heard." Jungkook says, closing his locker and leaning on the one next to mine. 

I shrug, "Works for me then. I'll just use it as a nap hour."

Taehyung closes his locker and rolls his eyes at me playfully. 

"Well you have fun in Nap Time, I'm gunna go and study for this damn test for Yoongi." Tae says, sounding annoyed. 

"If it's a music class, how does he test you?" Jungkook asks, raising an eyebrow. 

"Oh he finds a way. Trust me." Tae says before turning and walking off to his class. 

Now it's just Kookie and I. Jungkook and I have been friends since the 1st grade, now we're seniors in high school. I've always had a mini-crush on him but I see him more as a brother than anything romantic. I know, I know, brother-zoned. Taehyung has mentioned to me a few times before that when Jungkook would spend the night at his house, Jungkook would always ask about me and ramble about how pretty I am. 

"So y/n, I was thinking-" The bell rings, interrupting Jungkook. 

"Shit, I'll talk to you later." He says quickly before walking off to his first period class. 

I begin to walk towards my first period class as well, becoming curious as to what Jungkook was thinking. 


I walk into my art class, inhaling the scent of paint and other art materials. 

Taking my seat near the back of the class, like usual, I take out my notebook and begin to doodle.

The final bell rings, causing me to glance up and look at the teachers desk. No teacher. 

Realizing this too, the class beings to start being obnoxiously annoying. How can people be so talkative at 8 in the morning, like seriously. 

After a few minutes, Principle Seokjin enters the classroom accompanied by the guy who winked at me this morning and the class goes dead silent. 

Girls begin to stare at the winky guy and he seems to be un-phased by their behavior.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Park Jimin. Bangtan High's new art teacher. Please show him respect." Seokjin gives Mr.Park a small smile and gestures to our class before leaving the room. 

Mr.Park glances around the silent classroom and makes eye contact with me, sending me a small smile before going over to the teachers desk and putting his things down. 

He walks around to the front of his desk and leans against it. 

"As Principle Seokjin said, my name is Park Jimin, and I will be the permanent art teacher from this day forward. This is my second year teaching, but my first year teaching here obviously, and..." He continues talking about himself and about how excited he is to be teaching here.

"Now, you're all going to hate me, but I want to get to know each of you. So, we're going to start from the front here and work our way back. I want you to introduce yourself and say a random fact about you." He points at a shy girl in the front row and the boring introductions begin. 


Eventually, it's my turn to introduce myselfu (if you get this reference we're now friends) and he smiles warmly at me. 

I awkwardly stand up and the class stares at me. 

"My name is Aurora and uh, I like to dance." 

Mr.Park smiles brightly, "Nice to meet you, Y/n. You all did great. Do any of you have any questions about me?"

A majority of the girls in the class have their hands raised, typical. 

"How old are you?"

"I'm 24." 

"Are you single?"

"It's a secret."

"What else are you good at besides art?" 

Finally, a normal question that doesn't make me cringe. 

"I can sing and dance. Before I went to college for art, I used to dance. I took ballet lessons in high school and was almost signed into a professional music company to debut in a hip-hop group." 


He glances at the time. "Well, that's all the time we have for today, tomorrow we'll actually start to work on stuff."

Mr.Park looks at me and we make eye contact again. He smirks playfully and I feel a blush creep on my face. 

This is going to be a long year. 

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