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After a few more boring class periods, lunch finally rolls around. I'll finally be able to ask Jungkook what his problem in art was.

"Hey babe, ready to go?" Jungkook asks sweetly, closing his locker.

I smile and nod as he interlocks our fingers.


We walk into the cafeteria hand-in-hand and immediately notice Taehyung at our lunch table near the Windows, occupied by something on his phone.

I clear my throat as I stand behind my seat.

Tae looks up from his phone and gives us a small smile.

"Oh hey-" he says quickly before looking back at whatever's on his phone.

The sound of music softly plays from his phone as he becomes engulfed in his iPhone again.

Jungkook looks at him strangely before going over to Taehyung's side of the table.

"What are you even watching, Tae- Wait, is that Mr.Park?" Jungkook leans closer to Tae's chair to get a closer look.

My heart flutters at the thought of Mr.Park. I mean, sure he and I have a lot in common and we playfully tease each other during class sometimes; but it can't be anything more than that, right?

Curiosity naturally gets the best of me as I notice both boys now mesmerized by Tae's phone.

I walk to the other side of the table and stand on the other side of Tae's chair, taking a look at his phone. A video of Mr.Park dancing plays on the phone.

(Pretend it's just Jimin)

My mouth gapes open at the video and my mind goes crazy.

"Oh man, holy shit!" Jungkook exclaims as the video finishes.

"Like what you see?" A voice says from behind us.

Startled, we all turn around at the same time.

There stands Mr.Park, with his signature smirk on his face.


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"Mr.Park, I don't believe we've met," Taehyung quickly stands "I'm Kim Taehyung" he bows respectfully.

Mr.Park nods his head acknowledging his introduction before laughing softly.

"How did you even find that video?" He asks, walking over and standing next to me.

Taehyung begins to explain how he gets bored sometimes and likes to Google the teachers names for fun just to see what comes up, causing Mr.Park to have a amusing grin on his face.

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