The Countesse of Blood: A Portrait of Hell

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Archer stepped in, paying no atttention to the blood he had stepped on. He saw the boddies of butlers, which were either nailed to the wall with chains crushing their bones, or being hanged on chandelier. There were even ones who did not have their boddies anymore, but just their limbs lying on the ground. After he roamed the mansion, he could see that only male servants were killed here, while female ones were being missing, as well as their guest Mia and Elizabeth. So, Carmilla kidnapped them to use them for their blood. 

Archer never expected Carmilla to attack the mansion, since it was at the middle of the city, with many eyes surrounding it. Did that mean that for Carmilla, kidnapping Elizabeth Bathory was more important than her safety and stealth. Archer cursed it once again while jumping a roof from another one. Then, he climbed to the Bell Tower once again, to watch over the city to detect them, but he could not do so. He could not find Carmilla, no matter how much he tried for. But he could not give up, if he did so, the lives of those was going to be lost as well. He had to think of another solution, but his mind was completely blurry. He did not know what to do, he was just running around the city, climbing up somewhere to watch over again, and running once again. He was not able to think of something proper, and he had wasted a great amount of time. He was about to lose hope, he even thought of carpet bombing a part of the city, just to find out the reactions. But about that time, just like something divine, his mind become completely clear, and his eyes got widened cause of realizition. 

"Now now..." he murmured. "I thought you were not the type to lend a hand during a mission." He crouched to the ground, and put his palm on the ground and said the words. "Trace on." As he said that, the whole city's image came to his mind, but one area. It was not wide or deep, but he was not able to trace there. That left only one option, Territory Creation. The ability to create a place of your own, being isolated from the outer world. Archer quickly rushed there, and once he arrived, he saw that this place was a borehole. He had no time to lose with the defences of the place, so he just projected his bow and Caladbolg II, and shot it after charging it. With the every defence being created broken, he jumped down to the bottom, landing into the same room with Carmilla. He raised his head to look at her, who was just to lay her hands on another young woman. He pulled an arrow and shot it to her, but she managed to avoid it by jumping back. Now that she put some distance between her and the woman, Archer now could shoot her right in her face. 

"Do not think of funny things, Bloodsucker." Archer said as she was about to raise her wand to shoot a magical blast at him. "Or you shall not be-" He stopped talking after a drop of a liquid dribbled on his shoulder. He turned his gaze to his shoulder, and saw that the liquid was crimson. Then his gaze turned upon him, to see the hanging bodies of many young woman. There were even one he could remember the face of, and right upon him, there was a cage which was being painted red by blood completely and had a very familiar face within. 

"Hey..." He said with his trembling voice. "This is not you, right? Hey, Lily, this isn't you, right?" He went on saying so with his guard lowered, giving the perfect chance for Carmilla to finish him off. 

"Vanish!" She screamed internally with a victorious smile, as she used her Noble Phantasm, Phantom Maiden. A giant coffin appeared before Archer, which had spikes within and which had the shape of a young woman, and closed its lids in an instant. After a few seconds of silence, Carmilla laughed with the joy of victory, which did not last long. 

"I see." A voice called out which was the coldest one she ever had heard. This voice resembled someone to her. "So this is the closest thing you can bring up to the hell itself." Then, the lids were thrown behind her, instantly and quickly. Out of fear, she did not even look at them rather than the man before her. He had his clothes being ripped apart, with lots of spike holes on, and there was blood on them. But, there were no wounds. It was unknown to her, but Archer was not a living being, so he could not get killed no matter what happens. He was not invincible, indeed, but he could not get killed by such methods. Not just that, but there was a sacred gift of his from an old friend, who ruled over a kingdom once. Yes, the Scabbard of The Holy Sword Excalibur, Avalon.

"H-how could... Lie! That's a lie! Must be a lie!" She screamed out of fear. He had the coldest eyes she had ever seen, reminding her of someone. 

"Now, allow me to show you what hell looks like, you filthy bloodsucker!" He said, then went on talking. "I am the bone of my sword." Suddenly, the presure in the air got increased as millions of times. "Unknown to death, nor known to life." Then, the ground got on fire of blue and small. "Unlimited Blade Works!" Lastly, a great amount of fire burned everything while making its way towards her. She screamed out of fear and covered her face, with the thought of being burned alive. But, nothing happened. She felt no pain, and was sure that nothing hapened until a blow of wind hit her face. Wait, how come a blow of wind existed this deep of the ground? She had her answer as she left the cover of her eyes, to see the complete different world standing behind her.

The soil was as dry as dessert, and the sky was filled with clouds of yellow and brown. On the ground, there were countless of blades stuck in, with every of them being different. And, among all these swords resembling graves of many, Archer was just standing there, about fifteen meters far from Carmilla. Then, he raised his right hand, resulting with many of blades began flying and get aimed at her. She did not know anything to do, and only could curse his name while trying to shoot him, but before she could do so, a blade came down flying with an unbelievable speed, taking her arm as it was stuck in the ground. She could not even look at her choped off arm as she saw the rest of the blades coming to her way as well. She managed to take a few steps while trying to escape, but she could not be saved from this rain of death. As if they were raindrops, swords fell down one after another. After the rain of death ended, Carmilla's body was pierced by many of them, leaving her unable to move a muscle, yet she managed to survive. Archer began walking to her slowly, as he took a blade from the ground. After he was near her, he raised the blade upon her head.

"Why..?" She asked, with her voice was not even able to become louder than a whisper. "Why am... I being punished..? I... did nothing bad..." As she managed to look at his eyes, he remembered who he was resembling her. It was the faces of many after she said those as her defence. The eyes of disgust and coldness. With teardrops coming down from her eyes, the sword slashed down and chopped her head off, as the Reality Marble of Archer dissapeared. 

When they returned to the reality, the lifeless body of Carmilla disapeared, leaving a mist of black behind which was flying towards a certain way. Archer followed it until it entered to a chest, which was slashed open by him. Inside it, he could see the dark orb which was filled by the mud of Grail. He did not waste another second and stabbed it with a blade, causing it to collapse and start a fire. Archer could not sense any life in this room but one, which was the younger Bathory who was unconscious at that moment. Archer projected a blanket and wrapped it around her, before lifting her in his arms and exiting the old territory of Carmilla. He watched the flames devour the territory as well as the corpses of many. 

After they got out, Archer cleaned the mansion and placed Elizabeth in her bed, before begining to vanish. But before he could do so, he heared a high pitched voice. 

"Was that... me?" Elizabeth asked. Archer did not response. "She said she was me, in the future, I mean." 

"Yes." Archer replied coldly, rolling his hand into a fist. 

"Butler, I do not want to become something like this. She was sick and filthy, even though I cannot deny even I play with pets sometimes... I do not want to become like that! I won't do so either! I shall bring my dreams to the future, and shall become a singer!" Archer turned to her, with a fraud smile on his face. 

"I see." He replied and projected an arrow in his hand. "Then let this be my final gift for my lady." He handed the arrow to her, as his body began to shatter of blue pieces of dust. "One day, I shall return to take this one from you, so until then, improve your skills to the fullest." Now, he was about to lose his shape, but could be in one piece until he heard her approvement and saying that she won't fail him, neither herself. After Archer vanished, the arrow in her hand exploded of mana, causing no harm but erasing a mistake just like it did in The Ulster. As it had erased the memories of the civilians of the city, Archer uncosnciously caused a Heroic Sprit, Elizabeth Bathory, to be born. A Heroic Sprit of a Lancer Class, a fourteen year old girl who was thinking herself as a pop idol. Do not get it wrong, she did not die there, this Heroic Sprit was born from a possibility after all. In the very end, since she had lost her memory of Carmilla and Archer just like the rest of the city, the point where she became The Countesse of Blood surely was to come. All happened was nothing but a giant fire that took lives of nearly twenty person, by coinsidence every of them were women, to everyone, and was not paid attention this much.

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