Hey There

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[Y/N] is "Your Name", in case you're new to this whole fanfic thing. Also, I will probably use:

[E/C] = eye color   [H/C] = hair color   [H/L] = hair length   [F/C] = favorite color   [F/F] = favorite food   [F/D] = favorite drink   [F/N/1], [F/N/2], etc = friends' names

The last day of school was awesome. My friends and I didn't do anything special, but we still had fun just making each other laugh as hard as possible. I walk home from the school, waving to them and promising to stay active in our summer group chat.

I'm gonna miss those idiots, I think to myself as I shift my backpack on my shoulder.

We're a pretty stereotypical group of class clowns: There's a sardonic smartass (me), the leader, the nice one, the "edgy" one, the idiot, and the one we tease (but still care about just as much). Because of my pessimism and overall dark humored disposition, I've been honored with the nickname of Satan. It's been my title for the past two years. However, though I may be pretty morbid, I'm self aware. I know it's probably just a phase.

I reach my house and walk in, dropping my bag to the ground and stooping to take off my shoes. Before I can sit down, my mom crushes me in a big hug.

"How was your last day of school, [Y/N]?" I return her hug (though much more gently), and give a small smile.

"It was pretty good. My friends and I are gonna keep in touch over the summer, but we'll hopefully meet up again before school starts," I respond, summarizing the most important detail. "Actually, two of my friends wanted to meet up at that restaurant down the street for dinner. Can I go?"

"Of course. What time will you head out?" my mom asks.

"About 7 or so. I promise to be back by 10:00," I add, putting up my hand in a "scout's honor" gesture.

"Okay, as long as you always text me before going somewhere else or if plans change," she reminds me, even though I always do. I'm no trouble maker. I'm a pretty smart kid, and I've got a reputation to maintain.

I nod. "Will do, Mom."

She smiles and walks away, immediately calling all of our close relatives to talk to them about how her baby is growing up. I roll my eyes, smiling, and walk up the stairs to my room. Seeing no reason to change since it's just my friends, I sit at my desk and open my laptop, immediately pulling up YouTube.

"What's Mark up to?" I wonder to myself, checking out his most recent videos. There was only one today, but he hasn't been feeling too well so that's understandable.

The thumbnail was him reacting to a jumpscare... fitting for the jumpscare simulator he had played. I played the video, harshly whispering profanities for the first few minutes every time a jumpscare popped up. Eventually, they got monotonous and weren't as bad. As the video ended, Mark did his outro, but the screen went black before he finished. I rolled my eyes and, knowing what was gonna happen, braced myself for one final fright.

Instead of the creepy faces and slendermen that had been peppered throughout the game, however, a smiling pale version of Mark in a suit flashed onto the screen for an instant, then disappeared. I sat frozen for a moment, then smiled, internally screaming with excitement.

"Look who's back," I said to myself. "Ol' Dark's 'gaining control'." I laugh, excited to see what Mark, or 'Dark', was gonna do this time.

In a horror mood, I clicked on a few of his older horror game videos – meaning every FNAF game starting with Sister Location, then going back to the first one and going in order. I was just finishing a SL Custom Night video when my phone's alarm went off, telling me it was time to head to the restaurant. I pulled on my favorite [F/C] jacket – yes, I wear it in 70°F weather – grabbed my wallet, and rushed out the door, giving a quick goodbye hug to my mom on the way out.

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