Remembered Answers

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"You can ask the first question, if you'd like," I say, gesturing for Dark to proceed. I rise so that I'm sitting next to him instead of laying in his lap.

"What exactly did you see?" he asks solemnly.

"I'm still figuring things out, but I definitely saw some of your memories with me," I respond truthfully.

"That's not all," he states. "There's definitely something else."

I hesitate. I have no idea how he'll respond to such an invasion of his privacy. I didn't mean for it to go that far, I think. I was just trying to figure out what he was thinking, back then. Dark raises an eyebrow, staring at me. Right, mind reading.

"I... could feel what you felt in those memories," I begin. "Since you weren't actively lucid, the stuff I found was more abstract and difficult to define in words, but I got the gist of it."

Dark sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. He seems anxious, tired, and like he's close to giving up. I stare at him in confusion. What's with these giant mood swings? Dark was perfectly fine just minutes ago. My exasperated confusion grows with his anxiety, making me so tense that I want to punch a wall. I take a couple of deep breaths, trying to calm myself.

I won't get worked up over this. I'll just reach a logical conclusion, I remind myself.

"What do you deem logical?" Dark mutters.

"My turn to ask a question," I ignore him. I pause, wondering how to phrase this.

I want to ask how he really feels about me, without the cold filter, but I think that'd be a bit too much all at once. Asking about that "resisting" moment may be a good start, but I'm still not sure what he meant by that. It might lead into some sensitive territory. Then again, this entire conversation is stampeding across tender spots in our time together. The hell does it matter, now?

"What did you mean when you said you couldn't resist... me? What did I do?" I ask, nervously awaiting his answer.

Dark laughs for a moment, but it's not as despondent as before. "Even when the answer is right in front of you, you still refuse to accept it," he chuckles. I blink. "You didn't do anything but be yourself."


"You. You are what I couldn't resist. I've tried to entice you multiple times, but still you elude me. Not only did you not throw yourself at me the moment I took an interest in you, but you proved to be unlike any human I have ever known or heard of.

I merely gave you a push in the right direction, but you became who you are now. Strong, capable, and more similar to a demon than a human. Still, there's a part of your humanity that helps you understand them, but you use that to your advantage. You're fully aware of your limitations, and so sure of most of your abilities..."

Dark trails of for a moment, staring at my warm face and wide eyes.

"But you find it so impossible that I truly think these things. You've convinced yourself that I'm still only here to use and manipulate you. I've realized that watching you puppet others and controlling them with you is much more engaging than harming you, yourself. In fact, I don't find myself craving to harm you at all, anymore.

To put my lengthy answer simply; You haven't done anything but exist, [Y/N]."

I'm shocked by his words. I feel my stomach twist in excitement and elation. As much as my brain tells me to be wary, I allow myself to feel this one time.

"I will say, you didn't completely fail at charming me, either."

The demon's eyes widen. "Then my next question is; how have I affected you?"

"Well, you've already noticed how I've found you physically attractive, though that's a given," I begin, looking down at my hands. "However, I've found you intellectually attractive soon after we met and you stopped forcing me to do stuff. Call me a megalomaniac, but when I finally came to terms with what I really wanted, I realized that I've become a person that's compatible with you.

Of course, I've tried to hide this as much as possible, since I'm always paranoid that people will betray me – I don't want you to think that it's because I distrust you. I trust you, wholeheartedly. It's just difficult to accept that someone whom I hold in high regard thinks of me similarly."

I look up at him now, finding an expression I've never seen before on his face. Dark's eyes are still cool, but they've softened somewhat. He looks... kinda happy. I ask my next question:

"Why did you keep trying to push me away? I've shown you countless times that I don't care that you have demonic tendencies. It's who you are."

"Though it might surprise you, I have my own concerns about your reactions to different parts of myself. Initially I planned to conceal the more morbid aspects of myself, but I soon realized that would be impossible as well as impractical and tiring. Instead, I decided to show you a true form of darkness, hoping that it would prove me right and show that you weren't really as accepting as I wanted to believe. As you can see, the plan failed spectacularly."

I snicker. "Hell yeah, it did."

"What did you feel while psychoanalyzing me?" Dark asks.

"Yeah... sorry about that. Didn't mean to go that far," I apologize. "I felt affection," I continue plainly. "It confused me, but knowing what I do now I'm beginning to understand what you've meant."

"It only took a clear, concise explanation," Dark teases.

"Oh shut up," I blush. "I'm not good with these types of things."

Dark pulls me against his chest. I lean back, then realize something.

"Hey, I get another question." I think for a moment. "How do you feel about me?"

"I won't label it as 'love', because it's still fairly early to do so," he begins. I'm grateful that he didn't rush it. I'd probably think he's lying, anyway. "But I certainly feel rather overwhelming affection toward you."

I smile. "I feel the same way."

Turning for a moment, I place a quick kiss on his lips. When I break away, he quickly picks me up and turns me to face him. I sit in his lap, facing him. One of Dark's arms wraps around my waist while his opposite hand holds my chin.

"I feel like that was weak compensation for such an honest response," he smirks.

With that he firmly places his lips on mine again. I don't hesitate to wrap my arms around the back of his neck and kiss him back.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter of "I'm Here to Help You" as much as I enjoyed writing it. Comments and votes are super appreciated. Thanks for reading! ~Blue

{A/N} Hey guys! I could make a few chapters after this one just to have a cute (and probably pretty morbid) view as to what happens after the main ending of the story, but I want to get your opinion on it first. Do you guys want me to just end it here and go straight into the Antisepticeye x Reader, or should I make a few more chapters of this? I could do just one chapter as an epilogue, too. I"m good either way. Comment down below. Thanks for reading!     ~Blue

I'm Here to Help You (Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now