Chapter 2 She Only Knew One World

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At 8 my little sister Candice ran into my room closing the door behind her with a frown on her face.

"What's wrong?"I asked.

"Mom and dad are fighting again."Cady said as I pulled her up on my bed.

She may be 4 but she knows more then a lot of 4 year olds do.

"Cady it'll be fine."I said as I heard glass shattering.

She shook her head and got under my covers tears falling.

"I'll be back stay here okay."I told her heading toward my door.

I walked down the steps and seen my mom yelling at my dad.

"Can you guys stop fighting for one night?"I asked.

"Just go back up to your room."my mother said looking at me.

"Just listen to me for once and stop fighting for me and Cady."I said.

"Go back up to your room Aria."my mom demanded.

"No Im not."I said.

"Aria your mother told you to go back up to your room so do it."my dad yelled at me.

"I said I wasnt going back up there until you two stop acting childish."I said.

Wrong move on my part because my dad came over to me grabbed my arms tight then hit me and I fell back and hit the wall my cheek burning.I touched it and felt someting wet then seen it was blood.Standing up I looked at my dad with tears in my eyes who took one look at me then stormed out of the house.A few minutes later my mom stormed out of the house to.

"Aria where did they go?"Cady asked from behind me.

"I dont know just get back upstairs."I said wipping away my tears.

She grabbed my hand and I took her to my room while I went to the bathroom to see how bad my face looked.It wasnt as bad as I expected all I had to do was put some coverup on and I'd be good.Tomorrow I would have some pretty bad bruises that I wouldnt be able to hide but it's fine.I went back to my room and turned on the tv laying in my bed with Cady next to me.I felt so bad for her she was 4 and had to watch all this happen infront of her.

"Cady after I graduate do you want to live with me?"I asked.

"Yeah we could have a big house with lots of toys and stuff."Cady said with excitment in her voice.

"We could."I said laughing.

The next morning at 7:00 I got ready for school I brused my teeth and hair then put my make up on then got dressed. Bell came and picked me up and drove me to school since my mom took my car and Bell was also watching Cady until I got from school.

"Thanks Bell I owe you."I said as she drove me to school.

"It's fine Aria when you become a famouse pop star you'll make it up to me by setting me up with some cute famous guy."Bell said laughing.

"I will trust me and I'll get me and Cady a huge house."I said.

After Bell droped me off at school and I got the books I needed and walked to homeroom by myself.

"Nice ruffles."Rydel said talking about my shirt sitting next to me

  I laughed "Thanks nice hello kitty." Talking about he shirt.

  "Thanks."she said smiling.

At lunch I sat with Rydel,Ross,Rocky and Ratliff like I did yesterday.

"I hear you have a date with Riker Friday."Ross said.

"It's not a date it's just two people hanging out."I said.

"What are you guys even doing any way?"he asked.

"He wants me to teach him one of my songs and he wants to teach me one of his songs."I said shrugging.

Ross looked at Rydel and they both burst out laughing.Rocky and Ratliff were to envolved in their conversation to care about what they were laughing at.

"What is so funny?"I asked.

"Okay Aria it's you and Riker alone in the house."Ross said.

"Still not seeing any thing."I said.

"He likes you obivously and maybe he might make a move on you."Rydel said smirking.

"Yeah right."I said tucking a piece of hair behing my ear.

"Dude he has never asked a girl to help him learn a song before."Ross said.

"You guys are just making this bigger then what it is."I said rolling my eyes.

"What ever you say.So are you coming over today?"Rydel asked.

"I cant I have to watch Cady."I said.

"Who is Cady is she you kid?"Ross asked.

"Yes Ross I have a kid."I said rolling my eyes.

"You do?"he asked.

"No you dork she's my baby sister.Well she's not a baby she's 4"I said

After school I walked home slowly and seen my mom was home.I walked into the house and set my bag down on the couch.

"Your home from school."my mom said.

"Yeah where's Cady?"I asked.

"Your grandparents she'll be there for a while to."she said.

I nodded "Okay."

Meant To Be Riker Lynch Love story (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now