Chapter 13 Sorry's and Ghost's From My Past

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I honestly have no idea what I was thinking when I slammed the door.I was miserable the next day because of our fight.Riker called me a hundred times but I wasn't picking up I needed time to think.I was so mad I might actually tell him its over.But if he looked a little closer when I told him to leave I really wanted him to stay and say he took it all back and was in love with me.A week later I was sitting all alone in my house and it was all because of my stupid pride.Any way I was looking through all the photographs of Riker and me, I was staring at the phone.And I was going over the things we both said and I kept going back to when I slammed the door

2 months had passed and I hadn't talked to Riker at all.Maybe I was over reacting but it still hurt to have him say I was jealous of Carly being pretty or because of them being in love.The funny thing is I watched him walk away and I did nothing to stop him when I should have.Where ever I went I felt alone with out him but the feeling was slowly going away.I was hanging out with Bell and Valerie today at the mall because they thought I needed to get out of the house.While we were shopping my phone rang so I took it out and seen a text from Riker.

'I was wrong,way wrong to say that you were jealous of Carly being pretty and how we were in love.I guess it was the fact that she was back made me think I wanted her again but I don't.She is nothing compared to you,because you are the most beautiful girl ever and I love you more then I had ever loved her.It took me 2 months to see how lonely I was with out you.And the fact that I promised you that I wouldn't hurt you then did killed me.I'm really sorry I can understand if you don't forgive me but just know I love you a lot.'

I sighed and texted back 'I honestly don't think I can forgive you.Its not for the whole jealous part or the promise you broke.But you gave up on me when I wasn't good enough.I loved you and I cant say you lied but you let go.'

I got a text back 'I'm sorry I just want you to know that.'

'I know your sorry.I love you and all but I think you already know we aren't together any more since well the inced int.'

I got a text back but I deleted it before reading it.

(Riker's P.O.V)

I felt terrible about what I said to Aria.She would answer my texts or calls so I don't know why I thought she would answer this one.But to my sup rise she texted me back.She told me she could for

'I honestly don't think I can forgive you.Its not for the whole jealous part or the promise you broke.But you gave up on me when I wasn't good enough.I loved you and I cant say you lied but you let go.'she texted.

It was true I did give up on her when I thought she wasn't good enough and I did let go of her.I texted her back.

'I'm sorry I just want you to know that.'

'I know your sorry.I love you and all but I think you already know we aren't together any more since well the inced int.'

I felt empty with out her.

'I love you more then any thing and I never meant to let you go.I was selfish and if there was any way I could go back and take back what I said trust me I'd do it in a heart beat.I wish we could start over and I would love you like you deserve to be loved.'

After I sent that text she didn't text back.Maybe she felt as bad as I did or maybe she just didn't care any more.She believed every thing I told her and I let her down.

(Aria's P.O.V)

I believed every thing Riker had ever told me and he let me down big time.I wish this could start over to the day he asked me out I would say no then Id be less heart broken then what I was now.While on my way to the book store I ran into some one.

"I'm sorry."they said helping me up.

"No I'm sorry it was my fault I wasn't looking where I was going."I said.

"Aria."the guy said.

"Mason."I said recognizing the guy.

"Iv missed you."he said hugging me.

Mason was actually the only boyfriend that really loved me and didn't walk out on me I broke up with him because he was moving to Ohio but I guess he's back now.

"I've missed you to."I said hugging him back.

"This might be to soon but do you want to go out to dinner tonight?"he asked.

"Mason I."I started to say but he cut me off.

"You have a boyfriend."he said.

"No actually I don't.And I'd love to go to dinner with you tonight."I said.

"Cool."he said.

We exchanged numbers and when we did this I felt guilty even though I shouldn't have because I wasn't with Riker any more.As the weeks grew on Mason and I had went on more and more dates and at the end of each on he always tried to kiss me.Like tonight after he took me home from the movies he tried to kiss me.

"Aria why don't you ever want to kiss me?"Mason asked.

I sighed "I don't know I think it's because I'm still in love with some one else still."

"I get it."he said looking at the ground.

"Mason I'm really sorry it's just I made a stupid mistake by breaking up with him."I said.

"Well what are you doing standing here go get him back Aria."Mason said.

I smiled at him "Thanks for understanding."

I hugged him tight then pulled out my phone and called Riker praying he would answer when he didn't I called Rydel and told her to have Riker meet me at the park even if it was raining.

Meant To Be Riker Lynch Love story (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now