Chapter 15 This Love Is Ours

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The next day I was on my way over to my parents to have dinner with them because they said we needed to talk which I thought was a bit odd but I shrugged it off.
  "Hey mom."I said as I walked through the door.

"Hello sweetheart."my mom said hugging me.

My dad hugged me next and kissed my cheek.

"Did some one die?"I asked.

"No honey some one is here to see you."my mom said laughing and leading me into the kitchen.

"Aria."a familiar voice said.

"Alec?"I asked the guy standing in the kitchen with a brunette girl next to him.

He nodded and smiled at me.I didn't return the favor of smiling back because well Alec and I had never gotten along for the fact he use to abuse me all the time.

"Is this what you called me over here for?"I asked.

"Yes aren't you excited to see your brother?"my dad asked.

"Yeah Aria aren't you excited to see me?"Alec asked.

I rolled my eyes "Go to hell all of you."

After I said that I stormed out of the house and got into my car and drove back to my house.When I got home I went to my bedroom and screamed into my pillow as loud as I possibly could.After I got all my anger out I went into my living room and turned on the TV.I flicked through all the channels until I found E news they were talking about Taylor Swift which was cool cause Taylor Swift is awesome.While they were talking about her I went into the kitchen to get a bottle of water and came back to see a picture of Riker and me kissing on TV.

"Looks like Riker Lynch the loved Warbler from Glee is back at it again with his on and off again girlfriend."the women with blonde hair said.

"That's right they were only broken up for 2 months now they are back together and they don't seem to mind showing it either."the other women with brown hair said with a smile.

"They are so cute together though.Tell us if you think these two are a good couple or not we would love to hear what you think."the blonde one said.

I glared at the TV.Why should any one have a say in our relationship.I went onto my phone and tweeted ha ha tweeted its kind of a funny word.

Seems like there's always who disapproves they'll judge it like they know about me and you.And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do the jury is out and my choice is you.The stakes are high,the waters rough,but this love is OURS <3

A few minutes later Riker replied to my tweet.

Don't you worry your pretty little mind people throw rocks at things that shine and life makes love look hard.Its not theirs to speculate if its wrong <3. This love is OURS Aria. And they cant take whats OURS :)

I rolled my eyes and smiled then replied.

You should come over I want some one to cuddle with and watch a movie ;)

After I said that Riker called me and I smiled and answered my phone.

"Hey love."I said

"Hey Aria."Riker said.

"So are you gonna come over?"I asked looking at my nails.

"Yeah I'm actually on about to leave my house."he said.

"Cool.Well just come in when you get here.Love you."I said.

"Love you to bye."he said and hung up.

My phone beeped and I seen some one else replied to my tweet I looked and seen it was Rydel.

There always is some one who disapproves but you guys always find a way to ignore them.Even if life makes love look hard it probably is but every one from R5 loves you two together any way :)

Smiling at that I replied.

It's good to know you guys are there for us.Love you guys lots <3

Maybe our love was going to be hard but this love was ours and no one could take it from us no matter what.For the next three months I had to hear on TV about Riker and me but we didn't give up on each other.I even read it in magazines and on the Internet.A lot of girls were angry I was with Riker but Riker didn't care even if they were his fans they had to understand he was happy with me.The stakes were high and the waters were rough but we got through it.Sure we had 2 other fights but we laughed them off as soon as they started.That's how most relationship's are you fight then make up and that's what we did.We took it one day at a time not sure what tomorrow was going to bring us.

Thanks for reading and following Aria and Riker's relationship grow since the Begining on the story.There might be a sequel it just depends if you guys want me to make one and how much feedback I get.So comment and let me know what you thought of the story and if you want me to make a sequal.

Meant To Be Riker Lynch Love story (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now