Chapter 12 Ghost's From The Past and The Other Side Of The Door

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I woke up at 12 in the afternoon and took a shower then got dressed. After I got dressed I brushed my teeth and hair and went to my bedroom to get my phone.I looked and seen I had 3 missed calls from Riker I smiled and called him back.It rang a while then he answered it.

"Hey Aria."Riker said with excitment in his voice.

"Hey Riker what's up?"I asked.

"Not much just being bored.What are you doing later?"he asked.

"I dont know probably nothing why?"

"Well I was going to hang out with one of my old friends Carly.Curt and Titus will also be with us.You should come I really want you to meet her."

"I guess I'll hang out with you guys."I said.

"Awesome I'll call you later and have Curt pick you up."


"Bye Aria."he said.

"Bye."I said and hung up.

At 4:30 Curt came and picked me up.I wasnt exactly happy about the whole I want you to meet Carly thing but I delt with it.

"Nice shirt Aria."Curt said as I got into his car.

"Thank you I guess."I said.

"Your very welcome."he said making me laugh.

"So where are we going?"I asked.

"Starbucks."he said.

I nodded "Why couldnt Riker pick me up or why couldnt I drive myself?"

"I actually have no idea."he said.

We arrived at Starbucks and Curt parked the car and opened up my door for me.Then we walked inside and seen Riker with a peite blonde girl.On the inside I was screaming but on the outside I was all smiles.

"It wont be that bad Aria and if you need me to drive you home or something I will."Curt said with a smile.

"Ok."I said smiling back.

He nodded and I followed behind him to where Riker and I guess Carly was.

"Carly you remember Curt right?"Riker asked as he seen Curt.

"Yeah hi it's nice to see you again."Carly said all sweet.

"You to."Curt said in well a not so sweet way.

"Aria this is Carly one of my best friends."Riker said.

"So your the famous Aria I hear about."Carly said.

"I guess."I said.

Carly looked at me and laughed "She's so funny."

I looked over at Curt who rolled his eyes making me laugh a little.

"Im going to go get something to drink.I know what to get you Aria."Curt said.

"I'll come with you."Riker said and followed him.

I stood there akwardly not sure what to say or do.

"You can sit I'll try not to bite."Carly said with a smirk.

I sat down next to the seat Riker was sitting in and Carly gave me a funny look.

"Why are you so shy?"she asked.

"Im not."I said.

Before she could say anything else the boys where back and Riker handed me my coffee.

"Thanks."I said with a smile.

"No problem."Riker said kissing my cheek.

"So Riker did you tell Aria about us being friends?"Carly asked.

"Not yet."he said.

"Oh well I tell her."she said with her fake sweet smile again.

"Alright if you want to."he said.

she smiled "Well we met it 2nd grade when Riker put gum in my hair it was pretty funny but any way after that day we were practically inseperable after that.But any way Riker and I dated in 8th grade he asked me out of course and we dated until our senior year when we broke up because I was moving away."

"What an interesting story."I said.

"Isnt it.Oh Riker taught me how to play the guitar.Isnt that right Riker?"she asked.

"Yeah."Riker said.

If I had to hear one more thing from her I was going to snapp.

"We were also each other's first kiss."she said smirking at me.

That girl was getting under my skin and I knew she could tell to.

"Carly."Riker said.

"What all I was doing was tell her about us."she said.

"Well Titus said he isnt going to be able to make it."Curt said.

No one said any thing after he said that.But a few minutes later Carly started talking about college and Riker looked at her a specific way that guys who are in love look at girls.Maybe it was only of matter of time now until he walked out on me like every one else did.Later that night Riker,Curt and I were hanging out at my house when Riker brought up the subject of guess who?Carly.

"What do you think of Carly?"Riker asked me.

"Honestly Im not a big fan."I said.

"Why?"he asked.

"She just annoys me."I said.

"Shes a nice girl."he said.

I laughed "Yeah maybe when your around."

"What is your problem with her?Are you jelous of her because shes pretty or because we were in love?"he asked.

If my heart had a little bit left to break I think at that moment it did.Curt was quiet and a sorry look on his face.

"Aria I didnt mean it."Riker said.

"Just leave."I said with no emotion on my face.

"Aria."he said touching my arm.

"Leave."I said.

He looked at me one last time and I followed behind him and slammed the door shut when he walked out.I slid down the door and sobbed into my hands.This was our first fight ever and I didnt like it because I was hurting really bad.

Meant To Be Riker Lynch Love story (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now