Chapter 3 Its not a date!

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Friday came really fast and I will admit I was pretty nervous about being alone with Riker.

"Aria some one is here for you."my mom said.

I nodded and went to the door to see Riker there with a smile on his face.

"Mom Im leaving."I said.

There was no response so I just shut the door and we walked down my street to Riker's house.

"So my mom and dad are going to be leaving a little later then they wanted so do you want to just stay here or go for a walk or something?"Riker asked.

"We can go for a walk I guess."I said shrugging.

He smiled at me and I couldnt help but smile back.

"This is your last year of high school right?"he asked as we walked down a street I wasnt fimiliar with.

"Yeah and Im so happy for that."I said.

"What are you going to do after high school like are you going to college?"he asked.

I shrugged "I dont know I might.But first I need to find a place to live so my little sister can live with me."

"I have never met a girl like you ever in my life."Riker said.

"Is that a good thing?"I asked.

He laughed "Of course it is."

We talked for about an hour on a park bench getting to know each other a lot more.

"Who's your favorite author?"Riker asked randomly.

"I love Nicholas Sparks he is incredibel and JK Rowling."I said with a smile.

"Nice.Okay what's your favorite flower?"he asked.

"I like yellow roses or carnations.Now it's my turn what are you thinking right now?"I asked.

He smiled "Well Im thinking that I like this girl who I havent known to long and Im already falling for her."

"Why dont you tell her?"I asked.

"She might not feel the same way back after all we only known each other for 5 days."he said.

I giggled "Im pretty sure she be falling for you to.Even harder then you think."

"I guess we'll see soon now wont we?"he asked with a smile.

Meant To Be Riker Lynch Love story (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now