Chapter 8 A Rainy Ending To A Perfect Day

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The rest of the day I hung out with Riker,Curt and Titus going to the mall and what ever else we wanted to do it was a fun day.We were at the mall just walking around when I seen Forever 21 and well hello it's one of my favorite stores so I had to go in manly to get a new pair of sunglasses.

"Where are you going?"Titus asked.

"To Forever 21 hello I need some new sunglasses."I said.

"I will never understand girls they have like a million pairs of sunglasses yet they'll get more like they need them oh and shoes to."he said.

"Sorry I cant help how I am.You guys can go ahead I'll find you guys later."I said.

"You sure?"Riker asked.

I nodded "Yeah I'm sure."

He smiled and kissed my cheek and him,Curt and Titus all went to where ever they were going.I shook my head and smiled then went into the store.After an hour or so later I got 4 new pairs of sunglasses,some lip gloss,and 2 new pairs of feather earring's.I finally found the guys who were laughing about something and well like all guys checking girls out.

"Keep your eyes to yourselves guy's cause I know two of you that are with some one."I said walking up behind them.

All three of them turned and well seen me and they laughed.

"We weren't even checking girls out Aria."Curt said.

I rolled my eyes playfully "Sure."

"Trust me I couldn't look at another girl like I look at you."Riker said while grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers together.

"That's really sweet."I said smiling.

"That's Riker as sweet as they come."Titus said making me laugh.

Riker rolled his eyes "I'm a nice guy I cant help it."

"Well I think it's good your a nice guy."I said kissing his lips.

"Well I think Riker should check twitter now."Curt said.

"I could ask but I'm to scared to."I said.

Curt winked at me making me laugh a bit.

"Nice Curt."Riker said.

"I know isn't it show Aria."Curt said.

Riker handed me his phone and I seen a picture of us kissing from a minute ago.

"We look cute together but my hair looks terrible in the back."I said frowning.

"Your hair looks fine."Riker said as I gave him his phone back.

"Any way Aria do you have a twitter?"Curt asked.

I shook my head "Nope I don't see the point in me having one."

"Well we need to make you one."Titus said.

"No thanks."I said.

"Come on please."Curt begged

I sighed "Okay fine you can make me one."

"Yes! I call being her first follower."he said.

"Weirdo's why am I even hanging out with you."I asked.

"Cause you love us."Titus said.

"What ever helps you sleep at night."I said.

We all went back to my house to hang out and so Curt could make me a twitter.I got my lap top from my room and gave it to Curt after I logged on.He made me type in my email then he came up with my name which was Ariababy16 since 16 was my favorite number and I'm not sure what was up with the baby part I just went along with it.

"There now you officially have a twitter."Curt said after we made it and put a picture on there and a background.

"Cool I guess."I said.

"Yeah now I have some one to tweet all the time."he said.

I rolled my eyes and got a bottle of water then went into my room to grab my phone and seen I had a text from Bell.

Come to the hospital ASAP!!~Bell

I quickly texted back On my way.~Aria~

I put my shoes on then went out to the living room to tell the guys I had to go.

"Hey I have to go to the hospital for something so call me later if you want."I said.

"Is everything alright?"Riker asked.

I shrugged "I have no idea Bell only told me to come to the hospital."

He nodded "Okay well text me later then."

"Okay."I said as he kissed my cheek.

Titus and Curt followed behind him but not before hugging me and telling me to text them to.After they left I grabbed

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