Chapter 4 I teach you,you teach me

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"It's 8:30 and my mom just told me they left so do you want to go back to my house?"Riker asked.

"Sure."I said.

We walked back to his house in silence and it felt like the comfortable silence that you couldn't help but smile.But I knew better then to be comfortable with some one for to long or fall for them to fast cause they'll just walk out on you.Our hands brushed a lot and every time they did I felt sparks.Riker apologized every time our hands brushed and I smiled or giggled and told him it was fine.Once we got to his house we went to the room I was in with Rydel the other day I was here.

"Do you want to learn a song first or do you want to teach me one of your songs first?"Riker asked.

"I really want to learn a song first."I said with a small smile.

He smiled back and handed me a guitar.After an hour I learned how to play Say You'll Stay which would have take less then an hour if we wouldn't have stopped a bunch of times and laughed for no reason.

"This is definitely one of my new favorite songs."I said.

Riker laughed and looked in my eyes and leaned in and I leaned in to when our lips were about to touch I pulled away.Trust me I really wanted him to kiss me but like I said the harder you fall the faster or easier they walk out on you.

"Do you want something to drink?"Riker asked quickly.

"Uh sure."I said.

After I answered he walked out of the room and I guess he went to the kitchen.He was such a dork but he was a cute dork.After 5 minutes he didn't come back to the room so I went to the kitchen to find him but he wasn't there.I sighed and took my phone out and seen I had a text from Rydel.

"How's the date ;)"

I laughed and texted back "It's not a date."

"What ever you say but if he kissed you or tried to its a date and he totally is falling for you"

I rolled my eyes and shoved my phone back in my pocket and walked back to the room we were in.Finally 10 minutes later Riker came back with a smile on his face.

"Get lost in your own house?"I asked sarcastically.

"Something like that"Riker said.

"Lost in your thoughts?"I asked.

He nodded "Yeah.So what song are you going to teach me?"

I smiled "One of my favorites it's called Meant To Be."

I was amazed at how fast Riker picked it up it only took him 15 minutes if that.(Meant To Be is a Cady Groves song but since she is Aria they will be her song's.All rights to Cady Groves)

"I like it.It's different but in a good way."Riker said.

"Thanks."I said looking down.

My phone rang and I answered it of course it was my mom and she told me I had to get home to take care of Cady while she went to work.

"I have to go."I said.

Riker nodded "I'll walk you home then."

He walked me home and on the walk to my house I couldn't help but think what would have happened if Riker had kissed me?Once we got to my house Riker hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"See you tomorrow."Riker said.

"Okay."I said and walked inside my house.

Cady ran up and hugged me like I was gone for ten years.I smiled and picked her up and hugged her back.

"I missed you."Cady said.

"I missed you to Cad's but I haven't been gone that long."I said with a laugh and set her on the counter while I got some water.

"Yeah you have.Who was that boy?Is he your boyfriend?"she asked making a disgusted face because she was 4 and thought boy's were gross.

I laughed and helped her down off the counter "No silly we're just friends"

We spent most of the night watching princess movies because that's what Cady wanted to do and I loved her enough to let her watch what she wanted because I couldn't get these years back with her ever even if I wanted to turn back the clock.

Meant To Be Riker Lynch Love story (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now