Chapter 6 Two Is Better Then One

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Riker and I hung out for awhile then he left at 2 A.M.After he left I went up to my room and fell asleep.The next morning when I woke up I got dressed  and brushed my teeth and hair. My mom was home for the day since it was her day off.

"What are you doing today?"my mom asked me as I came into the kitchen.

"I'm going to look at apartments."I said with out looking at her.

"Is that boy going with you?"she asked stiffly.

Rolling my eyes I replied "Yes and his name is Riker."

She raised a brow "I was only wondering.Sit honey we need to talk."

I sat down at the seat across from her at the kitchen table "What do we need to talk about?"

My mother sighed and touched my hand "I know you want to take Cady with you when you move but just get into college first and get your self settled then you can."

Nodded I said "Okay but please try not to fight with dad any more since she wont have me here any more."

Basically all day I looked at apartments with Riker.It was now 6 and we were on our way to look at the last apartment for the day.

"I have never been more tired from any thing in my life."Riker said texting on his phone.

"Sorry to hear that."I said with a smile.

So long story short the apartment was the coolest one I seen all day and I got it so I will be moving in next week and I'm super excited.When I got home my mom was all dressed up and Cady was sitting at the table coloring.I walked into the kitchen with Riker behind me and I seen my mother pacing.

"Hey mom."I said.

"Thank god your here.I'm going out tonight so I need you to watch Cady."my mom said.

"Of course."I said with a small smile.

"Oh before I forget how did it go?"she asked.

I grinned "I got an apartment and can move in on Monday."

"Honey that is fantastic."she said hugging me tightly.

Sunday night came and I was watching a rerun of Glee that was on I loved that show just as much as I loved Pretty Little Liars. My dad walked into the room and sat next to me on the couch awkwardly.

"So your mother tells me your moving tomorrow."My dad said.

I nodded "Yeah."

"Aria I know I haven't always been the best dad ever but I'm willing to try and be better.So from now on I'm going to pay for your rent and every thing else you need since your going to college soon and all."he said.

"I cant let you do that."I said.

"Aria I want to please."he said with a sincere smile.

I smiled finally giving in "Fine."

"Good now come here."he said opening up his arms.

I laughed and hugging my dad tightly.

"So what are you watching?"he asked as I took my spot back on the couch.

"Glee."I said.

"Isn't that the show your boyfriend is on?"he asked.

I nodded "Yeah and his in this episode."

He laughed and shook his head "Oh dear I feel bad for that boy."

"Hey yeah I would to."I said laughing to.

Monday came and all my furniture was at my house already and all my boxes so all I needed to do now was unpack.I was all alone but not for long because Riker went to go pick up Rydel.But any way it was pretty quiet so I went through my ipod until I found the song Downtown Girl by Hot Chelle Rae.I had almost unpack most of my stuff when Riker came back with Rydel.

"Girl you work fast."Rydel said with a laugh.

"I know I just am so excited to have my own place."I said laughing to.

"I think we can tell."Riker said smiling and kissed my cheek.

Finally at 11 I was all unpacked and exhausted.

"I'm so tired."I said yawning.

"Sorry to hear that."Riker said with a smile.

"Riker can you take me home?"Rydel asked.

"Sure."he said.

"Your such a good brother."I said smiling.

"Am I a good boyfriend to?"he asked.

"Yeah your the best boyfriend ever."I said.

"Good well see you tomorrow Aria."he said kissing my lips.

I frowned when he pulled away and he seen the look on my face "Cant you just come back after you take Rydel home please."

"Sure."he said.

"Yay so are you gonna spend the night?"I asked biting my lip.

"Do you want me to?"he asked.

I nodded "Yeah I don't want to stay here all by my self on the first night."

"Alright I'll be back after I take Rydel home."he said kissing me again.

Meant To Be Riker Lynch Love story (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now