Chapter 4 - Is this real?

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Sarah's POV

I would not call myself popular at school, but most of the boys and girls that went to my school knew who I was. Some of the people here knew me as the sweet Sarah who cared for everyone around her, those some people I call my friends. The rest of the school knew me as an «Instafamous» girl, as they called me, and just wanted to be in my posts. Like what? I have only a little bit over 6,000 followers, it's not like people who is walking down the streets of London is asking for a photo with me.

Anyway, I know who my friends are. And I love them with all my heart. Isabella, or Bella as I call her, has been my best friend since I moved from Birmingham five years ago. Yes I lived in Birmingham, and have yet to have meet Brad. The univers just love me. I now live in London, and I love it here. Don't get me wrong, I loved Birmingham too, but it's just something about London that makes me feel like I am home. Like this is where I belong

My little day dream was interrupted by my best friend running down the the corridor of school screaming my name.

"SARAH, omg the photo you put on Instagram was absolutely beautiful. And to think that I am lucky enough to call you my best friend" she was now hugging me with the biggest smile ever.

"I know Bella, you tell me every time I put up a new post of myself" I laughed and pulled away from the hug. We started walking down the corridor, people complimenting my picture on Instagram as we made our way to class.

Me and Bella talked to each other until the teacher walked in, signaling that the class was about to start. As I sat myself down behind my desk I took out my phone and went on Instagram. I had already got over 500 likes, and over 200 comments. I loved reading trough the comment people was leaving me.

As I replayed, and liked some of them, I saw some of them had mentions something about Brad. It was not only one comment, but probably about twenty or something. What is going on I thought to myself as I had a frown on my face. Why is people tagging him? That was until I saw it,

@bradleywillsimpson is now following you

@bradleywillsimpson liked your post

Is this real? Am I dreaming?

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