Chapter 21 - Friends

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Sarah's POV

We had just arrived at the arena, and to say it was huge was an underestimate. This place was MASSIVE, like wow. When I entered the stage, I stoped in my tracks and just stood there with my mouth wide open. In just under four hours this place would be full of screaming girls. Me and Bella had golden circle places. And I, to be honest started to freak out. Its gonna be loads of screaming girls, I would be pressed in bodies to people I dont know. What if I loose Bella? What if I fall, and people start walking over me? What if I cant breath? What if I..

«Hey Sarah? You ok?» It was James

«What?» I asked. Yes I had heard his question, but that was the first thing that came to my brain.

«You have been standing her daydreaming for like ten minutes» He said with a little laugh «Whats on your mind?»

«Ohh, you know» I started. «Just thinking that this is the day I'm gonna day» I told him with a nervous laugh.

«What do you mean?» He asked back.

«You know, this place is huge. Its gonna be tons of screaming fans. What if I fall, our what if I loose Bella. Like everything can go wrong» I told him with panic in my voice.

«Woah there. You think you and Bella are gonna stand in the crowd?» He asked.

«Well yeah? We have golden circle tickets?» I was confused now. Why did he say that?

«No, you two are gonna sit on the other side of the fence, so you can come and go backstage whenever you want» With, what?

«So we are not gonna be in the big crowd?» I asked. They want us two girls to be backstage with them. Why would they want that?

«Yeah, we always have our friends ether on the other side of the fence, or in the VIP area» He told me with a smile, before he walked to his side on the stage to start sound check.

The boys sees me and Bella as their friends? When did that happen? I only met them yesterday, and Bella today. Ok, this is too much for me to take in. I started walking down the side stairs of the stage, to join Bella on the floor. We sat down, and were just chilling, while the boys did their their thing.

«Did the boys tell you we would be backstage with them?» I asked her.

«Yeah, Connor told me earlier at Nando's, when you and Tris were in that deep conversation about... you know what» She told me. I saw her blood rush to her cheeks.

«Girl, talking about sex is a totally normal thing» I told her with a little laugh.

«Easy for you to say, girl with no filter» she told me wit sarcasm rolling on her thong on the last bit. I just laughed at her before turning my head to the stage where the boys.

I took out my phone at took a couple of photos of them. Before i turned the camera back to me and Bella, as we sat and took a few selfies together. This night was gonna be better than i first thought. No falling in the crowd. And not being pressed between screaming girls. I still think this is a dream though..

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