Chapter 33 - Kinda hot

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Sarah's POV:

I am currently seated in the passenger seat in Brads car. Why you may ask? We are out hunting for lunch for the rest. Not literally hunting though, more like going to a cafe to grab something to eat. We had been driving in silens for about five minutes now. Brad was silently singing along to the radio.

To be honest with you, I dont know how I ended up in this car with him, not complaining though. I love spending time with him. But he asked James first, but he just pointed at me before continuing watching TV. Brad had looked at me like he was asking if it was ok, and I had just given him a smile before standing up.

As we were listening to the radio, I started to think back. Back to only one week ago, when the boys had been on the radio. If you had said to me a week ago that I would be in the same car as Brad, I would have laughed in your face.

But here I am, actually having a type of friendship whit them. How lucky am I? If someone ask me how this happened I would probably say something stupid as just luck. Because thats what it is, just luck.

«Sarah?» I was dragged out of one of the rants, I yet again, had in my head.

«Yeah?» I took a little glare over at him. His lips forming a little thin line as he concentrate on the road.

«What where you thinking about?»

«Nothing really» I tell him, a little smile on my face. «Just about how lucky I am to have finally met you. And are now hanging out with you guys.» What am I doing? Why am I telling him this? This was just suppose to be for my thoughts, and my thoughts only.

«So Sarah,» I see a smug smile come on his face «Ive been dying to know the answer to this question for a long time now» He ask, my pulse rise.


«Which one of us boys are your favorite» He take his eyes of the road for a moment to look at me. My cheeks are red, how on earth am I supposed to answer that question. He is so gonna laugh at me when I tell him its him.

I take a deep breath before giving my answer. «You.» Omg where did my voice go? It sounded like I was whispering to him.

«Me?» Surprised, why dose it sound like he is surprised?

«Yeah, thats what I said» He stops the car on a random side walk, looking straight ahed.

«Why am I your favorite?» He ask, not looking at me. And again, how am I answering this? Yeah, I know I normally have no filter when I am talking to people, but now? I brain is black, and I use more that a minute to find the answer to this question.

«To be honest? I have always had you as my favorite. You are great with your fans, you seems to be an honest person, and you love what you are doing with all your heart» I tell him. «And you are kinda hot» Sarah, you need to learn how to shut your mouth some time. Like really. Why?

You wanna know what Brads reaction was? He let out a little laugh. Like what? I look at him with confusion, and unsureness written all over my face. After a moment he turn his head around, looking at me.

«My turn to ask a question» Again, you need to learn to shut up Sarah. You are gonna regret this.

«Fair enough, go ahed.»

«Why do you still wanna hang out with me?» He looks at me, before moving his eyes back to the front, looking straight ahed. He is taking his time, fair enough, I did the same.

«Because you are something different Sarah.» He is now looking at me again. «You dont hang around me because Im famous. You do it because you genuinely want to get to know me. And I like your company» He now has a big smile on his face.

Honestly, how am I suppose to react to this? Brad Simpson says he likes my company, and that I am something different. Where did all this come from?

«And you are kinda hot too» He adds.


«Finally! Took your time didn't you!» Tris says as we walk through the front door to their apartment.

«We where out for like thirty minutes Tris, take a chill pill» I tell him, while giving him his food.

«You do know it takes like ten minutes to drive from the apartment to that cafe» James says, whit a smirk on his face? Why does he have a smirk on his face? I just look him dead in his eyes, before giving him his food and turning back to Brad. Instantly a smile on my face.

We had a little serious talk in the car. Brad admitted to me that he liked me. Like what are the odds in that happening? Brad Simpson? I of course said I liked him too. We had come to the conclusion that we would be going in a date tomorrow. A real date this time. And that we would see how things ended after that date.

We where also keeping this to ourself. But I am telling Bella, and Brad is telling James. Just so that we have someone to talk to about things. I know Bella would never tell a soul, and Brad said the same to James.

The night went on, we laughed a lot, played some games, and me and Bella also got to hear their new single «Personal». How awesome is that! Me and Brad shared some sweet smiles between each other, and he gave me a big bear hug when it was time for me and Bella went home.

What an eventful day this have been. And for the first time, I had to thank myself, for having no filter when it came to talking.

Just Luck //Bradley Simpson//Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora