Chapter 17 - Starbucks

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Sara's POV

As I was walking down the street, on my way to meet up with Brad, I started to overthink, something I always do for some reason. Like, why did he ask me out of everyone? Is it gonna be awkward sitting there alone with just Brad? What am I gonna talk to him about? All these thoughts went through my head, and before I knew it, I had arrived at the park. 

Brad had not arrived yet, so I took a seat by the bench. I took my phone out from my back pocket and went on Instagram. My followers should be proud of me. I am about to post for the forth time in under a week. And I would definitely post tomorrow as well. 

@SarahHanson: Today is a good day

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@SarahHanson: Today is a good day.☺️ -- 👤: @BellaJo

As I had just posted the photo, someone sat down beside me.

"Hi, how are you this morning?" Brad asked as he looked at me with a small smile on his face.

"Hi, I'm good thank you, how about you?" I asked him back giving him a little smile as well.

"Im very good thanks" he told me before continuing "So I was thinking that we could go down to Starbucks just down the road?" 

"Yeah, thats fine by me" I said back. We stood up, continuing with the little small talk. When we got to Starbucks, we said what we wanted, found a table for two, and waited for our drinks and food to be done. As me and Brad sat talking my phone startes to vibrate. It was a message from Bella.

From BellaJo😎:

Saw your post on Instagram. When did you start to wake up this early?

To BellaJo😎:

Girl we are meeting up with the boys, how could I not wake up this early?

From BellaJo😎:

Something else is up as well. I can feel it...

To BellaJo😎: 

Weeell.. I am kind of at Starbucks eating breakfast with just me and Brad😳

From BellaJo😎:

Details, you are sooo giving me those details later🙏🏽

To BellaJo😎:

Whatever you say girl 💁🏼

She didn't answer me back after that, so I am guessing she is getting ready for later as the clock had just turned eleven. It was one hour until me and Brad had to meet up with the others. Me personally wanted to spend the rest of the day with just Brad. We where talking about anything and everything. It was like I had known him for my entire life. 

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