Chapter 36 - Last day, and we did it

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Sarah's POV:

Mine and Brads date was just amazing. I would never in a million years have thought that he would end up kissing me. It was now a few days later, and I had not seen him since the date, but we texted each other like every day. He was busy packing and planning for their US, and me with school. I had been in a happy place these last couple of days, and the smile on my face never left, but today was different. The boys would be leaving tomorrow morning, and I was not sure if Brad had the time to hang out with me before he left.

I was currently sat in math class with Bella behind me. I could not concentrate on what the teacher was talking about, and had been staring out the window for the past ten minutes. It wasn't until the bell rang that my day dream was interrupted, and it did not just interrupt me, no, it scared the life out of me. It felt like my heart had stoped for like two or three minutes, and I started to feel a little dizzy. Luckily, for me, this was our last class for the day. 

I started to pack up my bag, and Bella did the same from behind me. She looked up and gave me a weak smile. She knew about mine and Brads kiss, and she knew they where leaving tomorrow. I just gave her a sad smile back before pulling my bag up from the ground, and over my shoulder.  In silence we walked out of the now empty classroom, and out in the hallway, heading for the main doors. 

We opened the big doors and was met by pouring rain, I could have sworn on my life the sun was out just five minutes ago? Oh well, we are in London after all. You can never count on a stable weather her. We took a quick look at each other, silently asking if the other had an umbrella, but nope, none of us had. We started to prepare ourself for the long walk home in the rain, and just before we where about to step out, we heard a car horn. 

My head snapped to where the sound came from, and instantly the smile on my face grew. There, on the now empty parking lot, stood a lonely car. And inside sat the boy that kissed me a couple of days ago. Me and Bella started to sprint to the car, and when we where both inside, I gave him the biggest hug ever.

"You, Brad Simpson, is a life saver" I told him, the big smile still on my face. We hold eye contact for what feels like a lifetime, and he starts to lean in.  

"How did you know school ended now?" Bella ask from the back seat, her head popping between mine and Brads. Way to kill the moment Bella, you deserve a diploma for that I thought for myself.

"I know school normally ends around two, so I have been here awhile now" He told us. He has been here since two? But the time is like four now?

"Since two?" I ask him whit shock in my voice, "You do know that was like two hours ago?"

"I know" He tells me whit a little smile.

"Why not send Sarah a text or something?" Bella ask, still with her head between mine and Brads.

"Cus I wanted it to be a surprise" He said back, giving me another big smile, before starting the car and driving out of the school ground. 


Me and Brad was currently laying on his bed. When we droppet Bella of at her house, he asked if I wanted to come back to his place with him. We where currently laying down, on our sides, looking at each other. We where silent, just listening to the rain outside. It was peace full, and it relaxed me. Even if we had been quiet for the past ten minutes, it was not awkward, it was nice. 

After a couple of more minutes Brad started to lean in. And yes we started to share kisses with each other. And before I knew it, we where both naked. I will let your own mind decide the dirty stuff, but all I can say is yes, we did it. We just had sex, and it was amazing. 



LONG TIME NO SEE! I am so sorry for the long wait, but school and work have been killing me the last couple of weeks. I had my last exam for this semester on Friday, and was at work the whole weekend! But, here is a chapter for you guys, hope you like it! I can't promise when I will update next, but, it will ether be by the end of this week, or next week some time. It will not take me another month thats for sure! 

And sorry for bad spelling and grammar and all that, my first language is NOT English, Im from Scandinavia, and English is not my strongest subject in school.

Also, thank you so much for 30k (!!!!) on my Brad Instagram fanfic! AND 6k on this story! You guys are awesome, I love you all!

Alsooo, dont forget to take a look at my Connor fanfic! I will be updating that story every Monday, starting today!

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