Chapter 6 - How was school?

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Sarah's POV

After school had finished that day, me and Bella made our way back to my house. As we stepped inside I could already smell that dinner was ready. That lovely smell of pasta, my favorite. As we made our way in to the kitchen, my mum had just put the last plate on the table.

"Hello girls, how was school" she asked.

"Tiering" I answered, taking a seat by the table.

"That's your answer every time I ask you that question Sarah" she said while laughing.

"Thats because it's true" I said back with a frown on my face.

"Well, are you girls hungry then?" She asked.

"YES!" we bout said at the same time

"I am starving" Bella said just as her stomach made a little noice. Mum just laughing at us before she took the pasta out of the oven, and placed it in the middle of the table.

As we where eating, we had some small conversation about what we had done and learned in school today. Mum also told us about her day at work. As we had finished, me and Bella put the dishes away, before we made our way up to my bedroom.

"Why didn't you tell your mum about Brad liking your post?" Bella asked as we entered my room.

"I dont't know. I'm gonna tell her later when you leave. Right now I am to tired to even move" I said as I laid down on my comfy bed.

Me and Bella never did anything after school. We usually just went back to mine, ate and chilled for the rest of the night. Not to exiting I know. But we always had something to talk about together, and we where never board when we where together.

"Are you exited about Saturday" Bella suddenly asked me.

"Are you kidding me? Yes I am. This week needs to go by quick, or else I'm going to die!" I said. Ohh yeah I forgot to tell you. Me and Bella are going on a concert this Saturday. And it's not just a random concert, nooo. We, Bella and I, are going to see non other than THE VAMPS live in London. It was my Christmas present last year from my mum and sister, and we have already waited seven whole months for that day.

As I said, this week better end soon.

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