Chapter 24 - Talking to myself

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Sarah's POV

I had just arrived at Starbucks, and Brad was no where to be seen. I decided to find us a seat, a little bit away from the windows. You know, just incase some crazy fans would be walking past. I know what you are thinking, but no, I am no longer one of those crazy fangirls.. Ok maybe I am, but I have learned not to fangirl in front of the boys. I do it when they can't see me. At least I hope they don't sees me, that would be so embarrassing. Omg what if they..

"Hi Sarah" My thoughts were interrupted by Brad. Is it just me, or does me and my thoughts get interrupted waaay to often? Maybe I should stop..

"You ok? Looks like you are in deep thoughts?" Yep, I definitely get interrupted way to often.

"Ohh, hi!" I said with a nervous laugh. "Yeah I'm fine, just got caught up in my thought" yet again I answered with a nervous laugh. Good, God this is embarrassing. Why am I like this so suddenly?

"You sure you are ok? It looks like you have a lot on your mind" Brad said with a little frown on his face.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Just got this big test in a couple of weeks" Ok, that was a lie, I did not have a test, school just started after the summer holidays.

"You do? In what subject?" Why is he asking so many questions?

"English" I told him, wow Sarah, you just said you had a big test in a subject you finished one year early. Way to go, here is a random applause for you.

"Ahh, I was actually pretty good in English! If you need help, I can come around sometime this week? I mean, if you want?" Yeah, I am an idiot. Why could I not have said something like maths or Spanish? Or any other subjects that I actually have!?

"Yeah, I will do that if I need any help" Are you stupid Sarah? Ok, I should stop talking to myself in my head.

"Great! So what do you want for breakfast then" Finally breakfast! I. Am. Starving. Ok, definitely should stop talking to myself.


We had just finished our food, and was just having a small conversation about each other. I had learned so much about Brad that I did not know. I still think its crazy that I am actually talking with the Brad Simpson. Like, how did I get this lucky? This made me think. Why is he still talking to me? And why does he want to sit with me for hours, just talking?

"Hey, does you and Bella want to come and see us boys again today?" Brad suddenly asked.

"What?" Why would he want us to come again today?

"Yeah, I thought we could go out or something afterwards? Its our last show here in England before we head over to the US" He told me with a small smile.

"Yeah, sure! But go out? You know me and Bella have school tomorrow?" I asked

"Yeah, I know. You guys dont have to drink or anything, just hang with us?" he said with hope? in his voice.

"Yeah, sure. I will ask Bella when I get home" I said back. Again, why would he like to hang out with two totally normal teens?

"Awesome" he said. "Oh, and also, could I maybe take a photo? And post?" he asked unsure. I looked at him for a moment. The Brad Simpson wanted to take a photo of me, Sarah Hanson, and post it? Yeah, I still think this is a dream.

"Yeah sure, why not" I told him with a smile.

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