Chapter Thirty One

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Fear crippled Gina as she remained rooted on her position by the doorway. Her heart raced dangerously in her chest and her mind worked frantically to salvage the precarious situation she now found herself trapped in.

“Shall we begin, Miss Smith?”

She heard the words spoken by the stranger. Miss Smith; a name she hadn't borne in many years, an identity she had worked so hard to keep hidden. Yet, her she stood, being referred to by that same name, by a complete stranger who said it so naturally, as if he had known her for many years.

She turned around slowly, unable to feel the pain of her injured thumb. Her eyes settled on the man who was seated comfortably on the settee with his eyes fixed on her.

Gina contemplated running in that second. She could run off for a few hours, wait until she was sure he had left, then pack her luggage and relocate to another town. It was the best option she had. Yet, as swiftly as the thought entered her mind, it was blown away by another; whoever this man was, he had found her and the same way he had done it before, he would do it again.

“I don't...” She began, managing to speak but she was quickly silenced by the shake of his head.

“I lack the time to spend on lies, Miss Smith. It would save us both time and energy if you would begin by telling me the truth.” His eyes observed her. She watched as he dug into his pocket, with his eyes still fixed on her, and pulled out a note pad. “Why have you contracted a nonexistent marriage?” He rose a brow.

Gina shuffled her feet nervously, completely unable to speak.

“Very well.” The man said, writing something down in his notepad. He glanced up at her once more. “Why have you deserted your home in Birmingham, choosing to live a life of lies...”

“Whoever you are...” She said, cutting him short. “I have no intention of answering your intrusive questions and I would very much like for you to be on your way. You have overstayed your welcome!” Fear reflected in her words but she was desperate to sound brave.

George leaned back and placed both his hands on the arm rest. Stroking his moustache ever so slowly, he watched her. His blue eyes seemed to be striping her bare as his gaze traveled the length of her.

“There is a tale I would like to tell you, Miss Smith. If you would grant me audience for a few seconds, I shall be on my way.”

Gina opened her mouth to tell him she didn't care for his tale but he was already on his feet. With his hands clasped behind his back, he began pacing the length of the room.

“Twenty two years ago, a child was born in Birmingham, the same city you once lived in before you suddenly disappeared. That child, was my employer's grandson.” He paused in his tracks, turning briefly to her. Gina tried to maintain her composure but she failed. George continued to pace once more. “Lord Edward Wellington, married to Lady Sophia Wellington for five years. I'm sure you must have heard of him, Lord Wellington owned a popular textile factory and was quite famous. Edward was on a trip to Paris when his wife died...” He paused, turning inquiring eyes to her.

Gina tore her eyes off of him and focused her gaze on the floor boards.

“ child birth. The child was believed to have died as well, according to Lady Chloe. Oh, forgive me, Miss Smith, I have failed to tell you what makes this story quite interesting. Lady Chloe was Lady Sophia's best friend and, apparently the only one in the estate when the child was born. She had sent every servant on an errand. I find it suspicious that Lady Chloe was left alone in the room with Lady Sophia when the child was born.”

“I do not care for your tale.” Gina murmured, fear clutching her heart.

“Yet, I have failed to mention the presence of another woman in that same room; a certain blond head girl. She was described by a maid who saw her, as a pretty blond with piercing blue eyes. Sound familiar?”

Gina felt her entire body begin to tremble, making it difficult to maintain her standing position.

“To cut a rather long story short, the baby is reported dead. Do you know what I think, Miss Smith?”

His cold hand rested on Gina's chin. Gently lifting it up, he held her teary gaze. “I think, that baby never died. Now, Miss Alice Smith, it is time for you to tell me a tale of your own.” He grinned. “Right now.”

Copyright © 2017 Lily Orevba All rights reserved.



Can you guys believe it?!! *gasps*. Of course, George's theory might be wrong. Perhaps the child truly is Gina's son? Or not... What do you guys think?

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