Chapter One

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Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.

Chapter One


It had been about three years since vampires came 'out of the coffin'. Since the development of synthetic blood, they had no need to hide anymore – humans were safe, they no longer needed to feed on us. Tru Blood they called it. How it tasted I don't know, and how much vampires like it I had no idea, but I did know this – I wanted to serve a bottle of it to someone. A vampire to be specific. Some humans come in and order it, but it's not the same. They never finish the bottle. I don't think we have a vampire in Forks, or at least not one who visits Black's Bar and Grill - that's the place I work in. Jacob was nice enough to give me the job when I turned eighteen, and for the past five years, I've been working here. Sure, it's not a fancy job, but it pays the bills and allows me as much time with my Grandpa as possible – who is one of the most important people to me in the world. The other being my cousin... and my best friend, Rose.

Rosalie Hale's her full name, and I love her to pieces. Grandpa raised us both after my parents were killed and Rose's abandoned her. They left her because, well to use Grandpa's term, because we're 'special'. He says we've been given a gift that we should cherish and use. Both of us can read minds. It's something that we both hate at times because sometimes all you can hear is people's thoughts – and they aren't always the nicest. We've gotten better at shutting it out though. Rose is able to do it whenever, but I can only do it when I really concentrate. That's one of the reasons I like Forks – there aren't that many people, so I don't have to deal with all the noise in my head. It's better than the larger towns and cities that surround us.

"Are you daydreaming again?" A loud voice interrupts my thoughts. I turn and see Jacob Black looking at me as he dries a glass before putting it under the bar. Jacob has been my best friend since we were five years old. He knows everything there is to know about me – including the mind reading.

"Isn't that what she always does?" Rosalie says as she walks behind the bar and places the tray down that she had. She throws me a cheeky grin, and I smile at her. This was what we did – torment and tease each other.

I shook my head at both of them before I stuck my tongue out. "Just because my thoughts are more interesting than you two, doesn't mean you should get jealous." They both laughed at me before the dinnertime rush began, and we became swamped with orders.

"Bella baby, you want to get me another beer?" Mike asked as he came in with the construction crew he worked with.

"No thanks," I replied, his thoughts flooding my head. I wish she would let me between her legs, I'd show her a good time. Teach her how to suck cock well. The details became more graphic so I took a deep breath, calmed my mind, and put my mental shield up. My own thoughts flooded back into my mind, and I smiled at the peacefulness I got.

"Aw come on sweet cheeks. A cold beer for daddy?" He smiled at me, and I just smiled meekly back before going around the bar to get him his order. "And a couple more for my boys!" he shouted loudly, gesturing to the group of people who now stood around him. They all cheered at the prospect of free alcohol.

"Why do you serve him?" Rosalie asked me as she came up behind me and began to serve the people now crowding around the bar.

"Because he's a paying customer," Jacob said before I could respond.

Rosalie rolled her eyes at him. They had always had a love/hate relationship. He was either defending her from drunk guys trying to get into her pants, or he was making dumb blonde jokes to her face. She often complained about how he smelt like a dog – a joke I never got – or they would be laughing and joking together.

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