Chapter Ten

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Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.

Chapter Ten


"This kind of thing has got to stop happening! Soon there'll be no one left!" Rose exclaimed as her, Jake and myself were all sat around the kitchen table. The police had been and questioned us and Esme – Jake had dropped her back home after the police had gotten everything they needed from her... and us.

"Do you think it's the same person?" I asked as Rose sat on the counter, holding her cup of tea between her hands. Jake shook his head and rubbed his eyes.

"The smell was different – animal."

"An animal did that?"

"No," he told me. "It was animal with a scent of human, distinct but definitely there."

"Great!" Rose cried out. "So there are two different killers – one who appears to be half animal... this just gets better and better."

"You two do like danger," Jake said, a smirk on his face as Rose shot him a glare.

"Why her?" I asked. "Why Edna – she was just a harmless old woman, she didn't do anything."

"Everyone has their secrets – even little old ladies," Jake said as he stood up from the table and stretched. "I'm going to head off – you girls going to be alright or do you need me to stay?" Rose and I both shook our heads.

"See ya!" He shouted as he began to walk out the house, throwing a wave over his shoulder.

"Are you worried?" Rose asked quietly as she looked at me with tired eyes. I gave her a small smile.

"I'm too tired to be worried," I told her and she gave a little giggle. Rose hopped off the counter and came round to hug me. I squeezed her tight and she gave me a small smile.

"See you in the morning Bells," Rose called as she headed towards her bedroom and I headed upstairs towards mine.


I let out a sigh as I hung my apron up on a peg and tightened my ponytail. I'd just finished an early morning shift and wanted nothing more than to go home and have a nice relaxing bath. The weather was extremely hot today – so much so that we'd brought the floor fans out and currently had then on full in an attempt to cool the bar down. Edward had text me again apologising for having to cancel – I told him it didn't matter and I hoped everything was alright with Emmett.

"You heading off?" Esme asked as she rounded the corner with some delivery paperwork in her hand. I nodded.

"I'm exhausted." Esme gave me a smile.

"How're you feeling after yesterday?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders.

"It freaked me out, but you've got to continue," I was about to respond but there was a flash of guilt across her thoughts. My brow wrinkled before she turned to me and smiled.

"Are you feeling alright about it?" I nodded.

"Unfortunately I'm becoming used to death pretty quickly," I told her and she reached out to pat my arm.

"I'm here if you ever want to talk," I nodded as she was called by Tyler – no doubt wanting to flirt with her some more... or harass her.

I gathered my belongings and stepped out through the bar, waving to people as I left.

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