Chapter Thirty-One

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Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.

Chapter Thirty-One

Washington... Somewhere...

The Queen of Washington paced up and down, her mind whirring. Her beloved Tanya was dead. Her gorgeous and vivacious lover had been staked whilst she'd been with Aro. When he had called to give her the news she had ruined her office, throwing things at the walls and screaming as tears ran down her face. Aro had told her who was responsible, Isabella Swan; she wanted to spit in disgust. When she had first heard of this 'weird' girl who could read minds she had been fascinated, instantly thinking about the possibilities and opportunities that she could present. When she had found out there were two of them, well she could have almost orgasmed with excitement right there. To make sure that the blood bag she was drinking from had told her the truth, she had sent Edward Masen to find out the truth. His job was to find out what they really were, if they had any abilities and then report back to her; when she knew what she was dealing with, that's when she would make her move.

Alas, this did not happen though, Edward had fed her minimal information about the girls. He hadn't reported back to her for a few weeks and the information he did give her was worthless. The Queen knew at this point, he was slipping from her control. That's when she had decided to involve Tanya. Tanya had been aware of her plan all along, but now she had an active role to play in it.

Tanya had only been too happy and willing to assist. They'd started off as fuck buddies, their bodies creating sweet pleasure together; but then things had changed, and the Queen had found herself looking forward to Tanya's company, craving it even. The thought to make a blood bond between them had even crossed her mind.

But now... now their future together had been ripped from her, from them; and she wanted nothing more than to make Isabella pay for what she had done. And the Queen would make sure that she would pay...



Esme turned the tap on as she prepared Ethan's bath for the night. Her son was currently perched on her hip, his hand fisted in her necklace as he babbled happily on to himself. Esme smiled and pressed a soft kiss to his head. Ethan really was the light of her life. She couldn't imagine her life without him; he brought her so much joy and happiness.

The doorbell ringing caused Esme to furrow her brow as she left the bathroom and headed to the front door.

"Who's that?" she asked Ethan, hitching him higher up on her hip as he continued to babble. Esme had a quick check through the peephole just to see who was there – she wasn't expecting anyone and ever since the altercation with Chelsea, Esme had been on high alert.

To Esme's surprise, there was a blonde haired, blue eyes vampire stood on the other side, his gorgeous frame outfitted in a blue sweater, dark jeans and black shoes (Esme was convinced he would look good in a bin bag).

Opening the door, Esme smiled as Carlisle's eyes met hers, the corners of his own mouth upturning.

"Hello – I wasn't expecting you," Esme greeted, Ethan's babbling stopped as he looked at the vampire.

"I wanted to make sure you were alright. You don't mind me stopping by do you?" Carlisle asked, worried he had come at a bad time.

"No, of course not," Esme opened the door wider. "Come in."

Carlisle stepped through the door, smiling at both Esme and Ethan as he entered her home for the second time.

To tell the truth, Carlisle was nervous. Esme and he hadn't really talked since their kiss the other night. Carlisle had had his fair share of kisses – he had been 'alive' for a very long time – but none of the women made him feel like Esme did. None of them made his undead heart skip a beat.

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