Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Apologies for the delay in posting - I have been ill for the past week and just didn't have any energy to upload.

Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.

Chapter Twenty Eight

Undisclosed Location, Idaho

Aro was stood in front of a large group of weres. He was currently trying to convince them that what they were doing was for their benefit.

"How does kidnapping women help us in the slightest?" one of them shouted, his voice gruff as others joined in with 'Yeah's'.

Aro sighed. The weres were useful in that they could do things for him during the day, but God they were stupid. "These women are not ordinary women, they possess fae blood which will enable me to day walk."

"But how does that benefit us?"

"Because if I can day walk I will be one of the strongest vampires in existence, which means I will be feared, and by extension so will you!" They weren't entirely convinced. "Their blood will enhance my blood, so you will be stronger and faster than other were pack!" The room fell quiet as they took in what this meant.

The whole reason they were working together was because the alpha had become a V addict, and a group of vampires had found out and almost killed him. Aro had stepped in and killed them instead and in return for saving his life, Aro wanted control of the pack. This didn't prove enough for the alpha so Aro had 'sweetened' the deal by offering up his blood too. It was no skin off his back, and it made them more loyal to him. He was their source after all.

"That's not the only benefit you'll get," Aro began. "Should their blood prove to be powerful, I will also give you the opportunity to fuck them!" as the weres cheered at the thought of having more women at their disposal, Aro failed to mention that the purpose of this would be to produce children; nothing killed the mood like the thought of becoming a father.

His plan was working nicely, he had to come here today to quell the dissent that had started in the pack. He'd heard rumours of members wanting to leave, unhappy with the direction the pack was being taken in. But now he'd told them the benefits, it was time to seal the deal.

"As a thank-you for helping me with this mission, I would like to offer you my blood," Aro dropped his fangs and let them pierce into his forearm, his own blood tasting sweet on his tongue. "Who would like to go first?" he asked, waving his bleeding arm around.

One by one the weres formed a line and dropped to their knees, their hungry eyes watching the blood trickle from the wound. Aro would hold his arm over their mouths and after a few drops had gone in they would smile and thank him before letting the effects of V take over their bodies.

Aro smiled as he felt their glee and enjoyment soar through his veins. He continued to feed his blood to the weres, smiling at how easy he was able to control them.

Aro felt a surge of pleasure through him and he smirked; Sulpicia was probably enjoying herself with someone back home. He hoped she was filming it for him to watch later. He shivered at the thought.

Her pleasure continued to hum through him like a comforting hug and Aro basked in the feeling.

A few minutes passed and Aro felt a sharp pain in his face, his eye twitching as it seared through him. He staggered back as the were in front of him stared at him, wondering what had caused Aro to stop delivering his blood. He felt lightheaded and tired as pain radiated through his skull.

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