Chapter Nine

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Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.

Chapter Nine


Edward pushed the heavy lid off the crate, pulling his body out of it as he then scooped the small girl up into his arms and placed her on the floor of the abandoned car factory. Any minute now the transformation would be complete and he'd have a newborn vampire to deal with. Edward grabbed a smaller crate and sat on it, running a hand through his hair as he tried to work out what his next move was.

He'd have to take her to Fangtasia – they served Tru Blood there. The next problem was Tanya; why she wanted the girl changed was a mystery to him. She seemed to just be a normal teenage girl who had been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Edward lifted his head when he heard a groan from the girl. He watched as she opened her eyes and then slowly pushed herself up using her hands. He saw her swallow and then move one hand up to touch her throat – she was thirsty.

"Vanessa," Edward quietly said and she turned to face him immediately. "Do you remember who I am?" He asked cautiously. It wasn't uncommon for newly turned vampires to have hazy human memories – he needed her to know that he wasn't a threat.

Vanessa nodded, her brown eyes full of confusion as she looked around once more before they finally settled on Edward. "Is she gone?" Vanessa asked in a small voice, her eyes showing just how scared she was of Tanya. Edward nodded.

"I know you probably have a lot of questions, but right now I need to get you fed." Vanessa nodded and Edward stood in front of her, holding his hand out for her to take. Her eyes switched between him and his hand a few times before she eventually took it, allowing herself to be pulled up into a standing position. "Come with me," Edward urged her gently, squeezing her hand in his as he began to lead her out of the building and into the night. Her hand felt unusually warm against his skin.

He carefully picked up his speed, making sure Vanessa was following. There wasn't enough time to get her to his house for a Tru Blood – he was afraid that they'd come across someone on their way there.

Edward pulled her through the forest that surrounded the car lot, dodging the trees as he began to run to Fangtasia. He didn't want to but he didn't really have a choice; he needed to make sure she was fed. Edward stopped at the edge of Fangtasia.

"I need you to stay here, I'll get you something drink." Vanessa nodded, her hand touching her throat tenderly as she subconsciously tried to soothe the pain. Not only did he have to keep her away from humans because of the bloodlust but she was also covered in dirt and blood from the transformation.

Edward dashed inside and resisted the urge to sigh when Jessica stopped him just as he got through the front door. "To what do we owe this pleasant surprise?" She asked, a hand on his chest as she stopped him from going any further.

"I need a pack of Tru Blood," he told her, making another attempt to move past her. She wasn't having any of it.

"Now why would a one hundred and seventy-six-year-old vampire need a whole pack of Tru Blood?" Edward simply looked at her.

"You can either tell me the truth or go and find somewhere else to get Tru Blood from." Jessica wasn't leaving Edward any choice – the nearest shop was a few miles away and he didn't know how long Vanessa could go without blood before the thirst took over.

"I'm a maker," Edward said and watched as Jessica smirked at him. She zipped to the bar and back and had a pack of mixed Tru Bloods in her hand.

"We'll make you a tab," Jessica told him as Edward bit out a thank-you and ran back to Vanessa. She still had a hand on her throat and was looking around her warily. She jumped slightly when Edward appeared in front of her.

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