Chapter Twenty-Two

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Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.

Chapter Twenty Two


"If you damage my truck," Rose began, "I'll damage your face." Emmett laughed as he climbed into the driver's side and started it up. Rose had agreed to let Emmett drive - only because of Bella; she was on the verge of hysteria. The blonde had decided to sit in the back with her, one hand gently holding her cousins, as she occasionally squeezed it, letting her know she wasn't alone.

Bella was silent the entire ride home and when they pulled up outside the house, she got out of the truck, and walked straight towards the house, not saying anything to either Rose or Emmett.

Rose and Emmett got out of the truck together, Rose standing in the doorway as she watched Bella ascend the stairs. She turned slowly when she got to the top.

"I'm going to bed," she whispered, not waiting for a response before she turned and headed up to her bedroom.

Rose watched her retreating figure and her heart filled with sadness for the pain she was going through.

A deep voice brought her out of her thoughts. "Aren't you going to invite me in?" Rose turned to see Emmett stood at the front door, arms crossed over his huge chest and eyes twinkling with mirth.

"No," Rose told him, stepping further into the house, fully intent on slamming the door in his face.

Emmett out a deep groan and Rose felt it all the way to her core. "Are you trying to make me hard?"

Rose spun around, mouth open - she couldn't believe he had just said that to her. "What the hell?" She asked angrily, stalking up to him, hands on her hips.

"You were stood in exactly the same place as you were when I kissed you in your dream." Rose felt her face flush as she struggled to come up with a witty comeback.

Emmett turned his head slightly as Rose continued to stare at him, completely flabbergasted at the entire situation. "The guard dog's arrived."

Rose looked past Emmett and saw a light grey wolf stood off into the trees. Emmett turned back to Rose as she got over her shock and stood tall, clenching her jaw (and trying to convince herself not to stake him).

"Goodnight Rosie - don't let the bedbugs bite," he told her quietly, bending his head to peer into her eyes. He put his face close to hers and for a moment Rose was sure he was going to kiss her and her heart sped up at the thought. "That's my job," he muttered suggestively into her ear.

Rose suppressed the urge to moan as Emmett sauntered back two steps, winked at her and then sped off into the night. For a few moments, all Rose could do was stand on the porch and stare at the spot Emmett had been.

"Un-fucking-believable," she whispered to herself, slightly embarrassed that a member of Jake's pack had seen her and Emmett. She shook her head at herself, walked into the house and closed the front door, letting out a sigh.

Rose, Bella whispered into her mind. Can you come upstairs - I don't want to be alone.

I'm coming, Rose told her cousin, heading straight for Bella's bedroom. The door was open when she got to the room and Rose saw that Bella had changed into one of Edward's T-shirts that she managed to 'borrow' from him. Her cousin was hugging a pillow to her chest and in the dim-light Rose could make out tear tracks running down her face.

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