Chapter Four

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Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.

Chapter Four


The drive home was quiet. Rosalie was contemplating her encounter with Emmett and wondering why she was so affected by the giant man. Me... I was trying to work out why Edward hadn't told me about Emmett. Did he not want me to be part of his world? I know we hadn't known each other that long, but I thought he wanted to trust me, and I thought I could trust him.

We pulled up outside our house and we all got out, Edward speeding round to open my door as Rosalie got out in a daze and began to walk towards the house. Edward and I stood awkwardly next to each other, neither of us sure what to say, before Rose stopped at the top step and turned to face us. "I'll tell Grandpa, Edward took you for a walk."

Edward and I both nodded, grateful that she was allowing us some privacy. I'm sure Rose had heard the questions bouncing around in my mind and understood that I wanted to resolve them.

We waited until she had the shut door. Edward turned to look at me, regret in his eyes as we began to walk into the forest that surrounded the house. The air was thick and heavy as I waited for him to say something, anything that would justify his lie to me.

We continued to walk in silence until we reached a group of boulders, at which point Edward gestured for me to sit. I did as he then sat next to me, studying the floor. I looked around me, listening to the rustling of the leaves, the quietness of the night and the beating of my heart. I looked at the beautiful man next to me and my heart beat faster.

Edward turned his head to look at me. "I apologise for lying," were the first words out of his mouth as I continued to look at him, checking to see if he was sincere or not. I couldn't see anything but remorse in his eyes. "Emmett and I haven't always seen eye to eye when it comes to our lifestyle and I was hoping to protect you from that."

I waited for him to finish and then let the silence draw out. "What do you mean you haven't always seen 'eye to eye'?" I questioned. How many different opinions could you have on the vampire lifestyle?

"Emmett saw being changed as a blessing, it just meant he could spend forever doing what he loved – womanising and gambling. I saw it as a curse – forever destined to walk this planet alone. Only ever able to see the moon and the stars, never see a sunrise again. For me, this is my version of hell." He paused as his beautiful green eyes fixed on me and he gently took my hand in his. "That was until I found you." I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked down, but Edward's hands on my face caused me to look back into his eyes. "Meeting you made me realise that maybe I don't have to be alone. My life was meaningless before I met you, and now I look forward to every sunset because it means I get to spend time with you." I blushed harder.

"You still shouldn't have lied to me," I whispered, trying to stay mad at him, but finding it almost impossible... almost.

"I know, and I'm sorry. That's why I have to tell you something else." I nodded, my brain not really registering his words as my eyes zeroed in on his lips.

"I have another brother," my eyes snapped up to his at the revelation and I pulled my face from his hands.

"What?" I questioned. "You told me Carlisle hadn't made anybody else, but he made two other vampires!" Edward looked guilty at me as he nodded and I got off the boulder and began to pace.

"If you lied to me about something trivial, what else are you lying about to me?" I asked and he shot up off the rock and came to grab my hands, stilling my movements.

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