Penny Lane

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Chapter 17

   I woke up the next morning in a green bed. Green was one of my favorite colors. I saw all the other Beatles still passed out on their beds and George was on the couch. They all looked so comfortable. I decided to make them breakfast. I wanted this day to be all about them since they are all so sweet.

   I tiptoed to the kitchen and took out everything I would need. I was thinking of making eggs, toast, and bacon. Also for John, I got a box of Cornflakes for him. I'm sure he would like that!

   The first to wake up was Ringo. "Good morning Lucy," he said while yawing. "Good morning," I said all cheery. "Are you making breakfast?" he asked. "Yes," I answered. "Sweet can I help"? "No thanks I got it," I said. He nodded his head and walked out of the kitchen. I think the other 3 were still sleeping because Ringo was the only one that walked in.

   Ringo set up the table and I put the food in the middle next to a little center piece of flowers. The only thing that's missing is the sleepy heads. Ringo managed to only wake up John and George. We thought about playing a trick on Paul to get him up.

   John got a cup of ice cold water and dumped it all over him. "AHHHH," Yelled Paul while jumping right out of his bed. "That's cold!!" We were all laughing so hard that he went to get a towel and to change clothes. He glared at us all before he left and we couldn't stop laughing.

   Then John said, "It smells good, did someone make breakfast?" "Yes, I did," I said, leading them to the table when Paul came back. They all sat down and passed the food around the table. After we were done, John did the dishes. Mostly because Paul kept saying it was his turn and he kept trying to get out of dong it. "That was delicious," said Ringo.  "Thank you," I said smiling.

   Later that day they decided to write a song. But since we couldn't really think that well of a title, we took a little walk. We turned down Penny lane and saw everything that was happening. John's face lit up and shook Paul to get his attention. "We can write a song all about Penny lane!" he said. "Perfect!" said Paul.

   We went back to the house and started writing the song. It came out well and I liked it. The others did too. (I will do the lyrics of Penny lane in the song book) We really wanted to relax and not really do anything after that. But of course Paul had an idea of what we should do.

   "We should have a contest," he said. "What kind of contest?" asked George. "Any kind," answered Paul. "It's an uneven number so in each contest, one of us has to be the referee," said John. "And for the first contest, that's going to be me." I teamed up with George and first we did a little trivia. A few questions were tough, but some were also super easy.

   "What is my middle name?" asked John. "What kind of trivia question is that?" wondered Paul. "It's a random trivia question I came up with now answer the question," said John. "Winston," blurted George. "Correct," he said. George and I high fived and won the first contest.

   The second contest, Ringo was referee and I teamed up with Paul. We did a little talent competition. John and George both played their guitars and sounded really good. Paul and I both sang Paperback writer and we also sounded really good. "It's a tough call, but I say Paul and Lucy are the winners," said Ringo.

   Next I was with John and George was the referee. The challenge was to solve a puzzle. George actually found 2 sets of puzzles with pictures of them. They were both 1000 pieces and we had to see who could finish it first. John and I worked as fast as we could and we could see Paul and Ringo struggling a little bit. When we had like 10 pieces left we heard Ringo yell out, "Done." George went to inspect the puzzle and it was perfect. We still decided to finish our puzzle and give this round to Paul and Ringo.

   Then Paul was the referee and I was with Ringo. The challenge was a race. We all went outside and Paul stood by the finish line. First John and Ringo were at the starting line holding poles. George and I were halfway and had to wait for them to hand the poles to us so we could run to the finish line. "Ready, set go!" shouted Paul. Both Ringo and John started running their way towards us. Ringo got here first and handed me the pole. But George was gaining on me so I picked up some speed. I made it the finish line and ran through the tape that Paul was holding.

   Finally I was referee. George was with Ringo and John was with Paul. I wanted to have a little fun with my challenge and have a fashion show. They each had to dress up nice and I had to choose which ones I liked the most. The category was fall. They took like 10 minutes to get ready and I was so excited to see what they were wearing. I had a secret camera hidden in the room where it could see them and I could post it. First came Paul and John both wearing light jackets and jeans. Paul was wearing a little scarf and John had on a hat and gloves. "You guys look good," I said. "Thank you," they both replied.

   Then George and Ringo came out wearing almost the same thing, but George was wearing his socks and sandals and Ringo was wearing boots. It was quite a tough call but I loved the socks and sandals. People online post stuff with him wearing them. I wonder where they get those pictures from? "The winners are.... George and Ringo!" I said. "Yay!" they both shouted. John and Paul clapped too.

   These contests were so much fun and I hope we do something like this again sometime soon!

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