The Voices

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The alarm clock on the bedside table closest to Mitch rang loudly the second the numbers got to 6:30 am. He sighed and pushed his face deep into his pillows, whining before he sat up to turn off the monster that was screaming next to him. Mitch is the head doctor at a psychiatric hospital, Paradise Valley Clinic, where his nurses specialize in helping those who are mentally ill, especially with PTSD. 

After showering and getting dressed in a simple button up shirt, with black skinny jeans, Mitch made his morning coffee, got his shoes on, checked for his keys, and walked out the door of his nice house. He walked out to the brand-new-looking, red car that was actually a hand-me-down from his dad when he moved out and went to med-school.  

Upon arrival at work, Mitch slowed down to let a blonde, teenage boy, who looked like he was about to burst into tears, walk across the path with who he assumed were his parents. The older man he was with waved a "thank you" to Mitch as they passed, so Mitch smiled and waved back before they were on their way to enter the building, and Mitch drove off to find a marking spot close to his office because he hated walking so far in the mornings.

Once Mitch got into the building, he was stopped by a woman with short, blonde hair and wearing a blue dress. "Mitch! She called as she ran after him even though she was in heels. Mitch chuckled and slowed down, "What's up, Kirstie?" He asked kindly. "I just sent someone to your office, I thought you were already here." She said quickly. "Thanks." Mitch called before he started to rush to get to his office, but before he could get inside to see the patient he was meeting, another doctor, Avi Kaplan, stopped him as he opened the door. "Hey, do you remember when the staff meeting is?" He asked quickly. "That's not until next week, Avi. Where's your head?" Mitch asked with a smile. "Currently, it's at home in the blankets trying to get more sleep. Here's the file you asked for yesterday by the way." He said as Mitch thanked him and took it before walking into his office and shut the door the door behind him.

Mitch smiled as he sat behind his desk as the blonde from the parking lot and his parents waited patiently this morning. "Sorry I'm late, I had a small incident with my car, Mrs. Hoying?" Mitch asked, hoping he got the name right. "It's not a problem, and please, call me Connie. This is my husband, Rick, and our son, Scott." The woman said as she pointed to each person she introduced, but Mitch's eyes froze on Scott. He was curled up a bit whispering to himself as he starred off into space. "Scott, is everything okay?" Mitch asked. Scott just shook his head and hugged his stomach. Mitch looked at Scott, his arms wrapping around himself pulled his shirt against him and Mitch could see his ribs, which wasn't a good thing.

"How often do you eat?" Mitch asked kindly. Scott didn't even answer, he just shrugged and rocked back and forth. Scott's mom sighed sadly, "He says they don't want him to eat, he hasn't eaten all week. It's Thursday, I'm terrified something could happen to him. We just- isn't there a medication we can put him on?" Scott's mom explained as she played with the straps of her purse worriedly. Mitch looked at her hands and nodded before he wrote something down, "Is Scott on any medication currently?" He asked kindly as he looked at the patient file he was creating. "No, the doctors didn't prescribe him anything." Scott's dad explained as he leaned back in his seat, watching Scott as he rocked and whispered things to himself as he hugged his stomach. Mitch nodded and leaned forward, over his desk, "Scott? Can you look at me, Scott?" Mitch asked, smiling when the teenage boy lifted his gaze to his face. 

"Scott, can you tell me what they say to you?" Mitch asked kindly. "B-bad things." Scott said softly before he started to pull at his hair repeating "bad things" over and over again. "Scott, I need you to focus on me. Can you do that?" Mitch asked, but once he saw he wasn't getting through to him he stood and walked to the teenager, kneeling in front of him. "Scott, what do they tell you?" He asked. Scott shook his head, "Th-they call me names and stuff." He mumbled, nibbling on his thumb. "Is that all?" Mitch asked. "One time they told me to do some stuff, b-but I didn't do it!" Scott said quickly as he shook his head, his eyes filling with tears. "What did they tell you?" Mitch asked. "To hurt myself. But I was told it wasn't good so I didn't listen, b-but they kept telling me to and then my mom found me." Scott said sadly.

Mitch nodded, "I see. The report from the hospital says that you locked yourself in the bathroom and started cutting your arms with a steak knife." He read aloud. "They told me to." Scott shrugged sadly. Mitch sighed, "Scott, I want to admit you in the hospital, you'll have group therapy, single therapy, and I want to put you on some anti-depressants along with something that will help with the voices. Our main focus for now is going to be your self-talk and your weight because it is very clear that you don't eat that often." Mitch said softly. "Th-they said I was fat." Scott whimpered quietly. Mitch nodded and wrote that down, "Okay, we have visitations everyday from five to six, and we do have other teenagers here so we also have some teachers here for when they get better they won't miss any schooling." Mitch said to Scott's parent's, who both nodded.

"I-I have to stay here?" Scott asked nervously, not wanting to be without his parents. "It's just until we can help you get better, Scott. Once we think you're ready to be back home, you can go. But until then you'll just have to focus on getting better." Mitch said softly. "Will my mom and dad be here too?" Scott asked sadly. "No, they'll be able to visit when they can, but they won't be able to stay." Mitch said softly. "W-what if they start being mean again? Or if I have another nightmare or a panic attack?" Scott asked, giving himself a panic attack. "We have nurses that know how to help. You don't have to do it alone." Mitch assured. "It'll be okay, bud." Scott's dad assured softly as he patted Scott's shoulder.

A/N wooo!!! Chapter one is done!! And thanks to @GRASSI-HOYINGFORLIFE for helping me plan some of this story, it is much appreciated!

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