Bad Days

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One night in particular was truly awful. Scott was laying in bed crying to himself as he listened to the voices call him name after name after name. He tried covering his ears like a child would do to stop hearing a bully, but these bullies were in his head so it didn't help.

After a while he couldn't take it anymore. It was around six, maybe a little after. All the patients were getting breakfast when Scott finally broke.

He was standing in the line calmly as he got French toast, he looked down sadly as the voices insulted him. It wasn't just things like "stupid" or "pathetic", sure they were said, but they called him a slut, they told him he was worthless, they called him a pig or fat. And Scott just wanted five minutes without it.

Scott sat at his table sadly, starring at his food. He wanted to make today the first day he finished everything on his tray, but he felt far already and began to believe the voices when they said he didn't need to eat. What broke him then? One of them said he was crazy.

The second Scott heard that he started yelling for them to shut up, causing a scene. The doctor filling in for Mitch, Dr. Kirk, walked up to Scott and attempted to calm him down. But Scott threw his tray and started screaming at the voices, telling them to shut up. So Dr. Kirk, Avi, and Kevin grabbed him and forced him to leave the cafeteria.

They took Scott to his room and had him lay down, strapping him down once again as he struggled. But eventually the three doctors watched as the teenager cried and looked away from them. "I'm going to call his tutor, cancel his tutoring today until he calms down." Dr. Kirk suggested. Kevin and Avi both nodded, "It'll pass. Let's just be glad he didn't start seeing things." Avi mumbled. "I thought he just heard voices?" Dr. Kirk asked in confusion. Kevin shook his head, "We thought that at first, but Dr. Grassi found out he see's things on particularly bad days, mostly at night." He explained. Dr. Kirk nodded, "We should let him rest." He said quietly. The other two nodded, "You're right, come on." Kevin sighed before they all walked away, but Dr. Kirk had a smirk on his face.

Voices *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now