Phone Call Home

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As Scott walked back to his room, Dr. Grassi rushed to his side. "How are you feeling?" He asked with a smile, hoping it would spread to Scott. Scott just shrugged and hugged his stomach. "Do you want to talk?" Mitch asked as Scott got to his room. Scott nodded slowly before they walked in.

Mitch took the chair from Scott's desk and smiled at him as Scott curled up on his bed. "What's going on?" He asked softly. "I miss my parents." Scott mumbled sadly. Mitch sighed but nodded, "How about I call them and see if they're free?" He offered. Scott shrugged, "They finally got rid of me, why would they want to see me again?" He asked sadly.

"You know that's not why they took you here. Is that what they tell you?" Mitch asked. Scott looked at Mitch with tears in his eyes, slowly nodding his head. Mitch sighed sadly, "That's not what this is, Scott. Your parents put you here because they love you, and they want you to hurt less." He smiled. "Then why don't they come see me?" Scott asked sadly.

"I can't tell you that. What I can do is get your file, find their number, and give them a call. How does that sound?" Mitch asked with a smile. Scott nodded as he looked down silently, he didn't want to say anything if he could simply nod. He didn't want the voices to make fun of him for talking, like they always do. Mitch nodded with a smile, "I'll go give them a call." He said as he stood up.

Voices *COMPLETED*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ