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Kevin walked out of Scott's room after meeting with him and went to find Mitch in his office. He was sitting at his desk with a stack of files, one was open in front of him and he was reading it. "Hey, Kevin, how are things going?" Mitch asked.

Kevin sighed and sat down, "You know who I'm here about." He said as he folded his hands in his lap. Mitch closed the file he was looking through and looked up to his friend, "What happened?" He asked worriedly. "Scott's cutting himself." Kevin sighed before Mitch jumped up and rushed out of his office.


Scott was still laying on his bed sadly when Mitch rushed into his room and stood in front of him. Scott just looked- broken.

Mitch sighed because Scott was ignoring him, "Let me see, Scott." He said in a soft voice as he crouched down. Scott looked at Mitch silently and shook his head sadly. "Scott, please? I just want to see." Mitch said softly. "You're mad at me." Scott mumbled sadly.

After a moment, Mitch took a deep breath, "I'm not mad, I'm disappointed." He whispered before turning Scott's arms over and sighing when he saw blood. "They told me to." Scott mumbled sadly. "If they told you to hurt me, would you?" Mitch asked as someone brought him the first aid kit. "No. You didn't be mean to me." Scott said softly.

"How were you mean to yourself?" Mitch asked as he cleaned Scott's wounds, apologizing when the teenager hissed in pain. "I don't know, but they said-" Scott began. "They lied to you. You aren't mean, or stupid, or pathetic, or a waste. I have heard you call yourself all of those things and not a word of it is the truth." Mitch said softly as he wiped Scott's tears away.

Scott looked down sadly after Mitch finished his speech, "Then why don't my parents come visit me?" He asked softly. Mitch sighed, "I don't know," he began before moving to wipe Scott's tears away with the pad of his thumb. "I'll call them and see if they can come over to visit you." He offered.

Scott nodded slowly, "Will you please stay with me?" He asked kindly. Mitch nodded and sat criss-cross next to Scott's bed as the teenager watched him. "Get some rest, I'll try to be here when you wake up." Mitch whispered. Scott sighed and closed his eyes gently, falling asleep almost immediately as Mitch combed his fingers through his hair slowly.


When Scott fell asleep, he had Kevin stay with him for the time being as he went to his office. When Scott woke up, someone was knocking on his door. He sighed and opened his eyes to see a brunette woman in a patients outfit, her arms crossed over her chest, and her black-framed glasses sitting high up on her nose.

"You must be the new patient, yeah?" She asked. Scott sat up, moving so his back was against the wall, then he shrugged silently. "You don't look that old." She sighed as she studied him. "I'm seventeen." Scott mumbled before looking down at his hands in his lap.

"What are you in here for?" She asked. "They say I'm schizophrenic." Scott shrugged. "You don't agree?" The woman asked as she moved to sit next to him. "I don't know. I guess." He sighed. "I'm Esther by the way. I checked myself in for my PTSD." She said with a smile to help lessen how tense Scott is.

Scott looked at her in confusion, "Why would you check yourself in?" He asked in shock. "I went through some stuff. I hurt people that were close to me and I didn't want to see that." Esther explained in a kind tone. Scott shrugged, "They look at me like I'm crazy." He said sadly. "You are. So am I. Who's to say that they aren't a little crazy too? I think everyone is on the scale of insanity, but some of us are higher up than others." She said softly.

"It's not fair. I still want to do things, at-least graduate high school." Scott whined. "Then work for it. If you want to get better, if you want the pain to go away, then you need to work hard for it." Esther said smiling. Scott nodded as he listened to her, "How do I do that?" He asked. "Take your medication, go to therapy, talk to your doctor about what's going on with you." Esther listed before she stood and walked away.


A little after Esther left, Scott was laying on his bed thinking silently, then a woman walked in. She was a short, blonde woman in a nurses uniform. "Scott, I'm Kirstie Maldonado, your assigned nurse. I thought I should get to know you since I'll be seeing you often." She smiled.

"I thought Doctor Grassi was taking care of me." Scott said softly. "He is, but he has so many patients that he assigned me to you only for when he's busy." She said as she walked up to him, lifting his arms to see the gause they wrapped around his cuts.

Scott didn't say much after that, a fea words, some shrugs, and a few short nods was all his new nurse got out of him. "If you want to talk, we have a bit until Doctor Grassi gets here to check on you." She offered. "But you just checked on me." Scott said as he looked up at her. Kirstie smiled at him, "I know, sugar, but the doctors like to be positive about stuff like this." She nodded. "Oh, okay." Scott mumbled before he looked down and hugged his stomach.

After a while of having a one-sided conversation where Kirstie did all of the talking, Mitch walked into the room with Scott's file in his hands. "I'll leave you to it." Kirstie said before slipping passed Mitch without touching him. "Okay, Kevin says you barely spoke during therapy. Can you tell me why?" Mitch asked before he sat across from Scott.

Scott just shrugged, "Didn't want to talk." He mumbled. Mitch nodded, "Okay, do you want to talk now?" He asked, earning another short shrug. "How was your day today, Scott?" Mitch asked as he leaned back in his chair. "Fine, I guess. I don't know." Scott mumbled as he looked down at his lap.

"Did you start school yet?" Mitch asked as he wrote something down. "They said I could start when you let me back in the day room to meet with my tutor." Scott shrugged. Mitch nodded, "You do know you'll have a doctor with you just in case you decide to act out again, right?" He asked. Scott nodded, "I figured." He mumbled.

Mitch leaned forward and had Scott look at him, "This was not a decision we made because we think you're not safe to be around. We want a doctor there in case it gets to he too much and your tutor doesn't know how to help you." Mitch assured. "Will it be you?" Scott asked as he looked up to the older man. Mitch nodded, "If that's what you want, I can stay with you for a bit. But another doctor will have to take over because I have so much to do." He explained. Scott nodded, "I know." He sighed quietly.

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