Lock Down

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Mitch sat in his office talking to a patients family member when Kevin rushed in. "Scott's room." He said quickly. "Which Scott?" Mitch asked calmly as he read throgh the new file the couple in front of him made. "The only teenager here, Mitch." Kevin sighed before Mitch dropped everything and rushed to the door. "Excuse me." He said quickly before jogging faster.

It took a few minutes and Mitch was running at full-speed, but he finally made it to Scott's room to see several nurses trying to calm him down as he panicked.

Mitch pushed passed them and gently put his hands on Scott's wet face, rubbing his thumbs over his tear tracks gently. "Sh, it's alright, calm down." Mitch nodded as he soothed the blonde slowly. Scott let out a pathetic whimper before he started to slow his breathing.

After a few more minutes when Scott had completely calmed down and stopped freaking out, he just laid there breathing heavily as tears still fell. Mitch bit his lip and nodded, "See that. There we go." He whispered. Scott looked away from the plain white ceiling to Mitch's face, giving him a sad look.

Kevin stood in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest, smiling as he watched Mitch work with Scott. "I think you've got this." He said quietly before leaving them alone, smiling widely as he left the hallway.

A/N i know this is short, I'm VERY sorry. I have not been feeling amazing today so this is all I have for know.

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