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Scott had been going to school for a few days now, and he loved it. He never had homework, he liked all of his teachers, the only thing that was difficult was bullies or when kids asked him where he moved from. His answer was always "out of state".

"So, what do I tell people when they ask where I came from?" Scott asked softly. "Tell them I took you in until you finish school after leaving the hospital." Mitch shrugged. "What if they ask why I was there?" Scott asked. "Say there was something wrong with your head. You're not lying, you're being vague." He smiled.

Scott nodded and looked down shyly. "Alright, what's up?" Mitch asked. "It's just- can I get a phone?" Scott asked. "I don't want you getting involved in social media yet." Mitch sighed. "I won't, I swear. I just- what if I need you?" Scott asked. "For what?" Mitch challenged. "What if I'm being chased by a serial murderer?" Scott shrugged. "Why would that happen?" Mitch argued. "Maybe I see him dump a body and I have to call the cops?" Scott shrugged. "Or you could run fast." Mitch smiled. "What if I trip and he catches up to me?" Scott asked. "Then I guess you die." Mitch shrugged. Scott sighed and squinted, "What if you wind up really injured in the hospital and they can't contact anyone here because I don't have a number for your emergency contacts?" Scott asked.

Mitch squinted at Scott and sighed, "That is a good point. Rare, but good. Fine, we'll go get you a phone." Mitch shrugged before they walked to the front door with his keys. "Can I get the same phone as you?" Scott asked with a smile. "No way, this phone was like, seven hundred dollars. Iphone 7 plus is expensive. We'll go a step lower if that's what you really want or a six." Mitch offered, earning a nod.


I think I'm going to end it here because I'm not sure what else to use.

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