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Mitch held the crying patient in his arms as he walked Scott to his office after dressing him. Scott was terrified they'd kick him out and he'd have no where to go.

When they got to Mitch's office, he sat Scott in the comfortable chair and wrapped a blanket around his shoulders. "Sh, it's okay." The doctor whispered as Scott cried. "A-are you going t-to make me leave?" Scott asked fearfully as Mitch walked around and sat in his chair.

Mitch sighed sadly as he watched Scott sob and shake with fear coursing through his veins. "Of course not, Scott. I know you didn't want it. As for Dr. Kirk, he's been arrested and our security gave him the footage from your room before he found him with you." Mitch said The softly. Scott nodded sadly and looked down at his lap silently. "How about we go get lunch together?" Mitch offered with a smile before he went to help Scott stand.

Scott sniffled as they walked into the cafeteria and let Mitch sit him at a table before going into the line. Scott looked down at his lap and sniffled, he felt so dirty and disgusting.

When Mitch got back he sat next to the blonde and smiled, "Here you go." He said as he slid a tray of food in front of Scott. Scott hugged his stomach and shook his head slowly, he already felt fat without eating much.

Mitch sighed and turned towards Scott, "What he did to you, was disgusting and awful, Scott. And whatever he said to you is a lie to make you hurt. He's gone now, don't let his faint memory control your actions." Mitch said softly. Scott nodded slowly, unsure of what exactly he could say. "Can you eat half of it fir me?" Mitch begged.

Scott looked down at his lap for a moment again before nodding, reaching for his plastic spork before spooning food onto it. But he didn't put it in his mouth, just close to it. "Scott, it'll be okay. He was wrong in so many ways for touching you like that. And I'm so sorry I wasn't there to stop him." He said softly, but Scott shook his head.

"Do you want a hug?" Mitch asked softly. Scott nodded sadly and held his arms up, sighing when Mitch wrapped his arms around him. "I talked to the lawyer before I came here too, he said the tapes were clear and it was a closed case. There's no need to go in front of a court to talk about it, but she thinks if you go and just be there it could help the judges. I can give you permission to go off the grounds if security is with you every second." Mitch offered, smiling sadly when Scott nodded.

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