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So, I'm about to be an awful human being. Will I feel like total crap after this, YES. Will/did I regret this while writing it, YES. So, let me warn you...
*graphic rape scene and bad language* I would not EVER put this in here if it wasn't going to play a big part in the story. I feel guilty already. It most likely sucks though.

Scott laid on his bed facing the wall sadly, he wasn't feeling it today. He didn't want to leave the room, or talk, or do anything. He just laid there and starred straight ahead until someone knocked. "I don't want to eat." Scott called before Dr. Kirk walked in.

"You're not hungry?" He asked as he walked in, sitting next to Scott on the bed. Scott just shrugged quietly, not wanting to talk. Dr. Kirk nodded slowly and bit his bottom lip, "Are you sure? The food here isn't amazing but they do have some pretty good things." He smiled, starring at Scott before he licked his lips. "I just want to sleep." Scott mumbled. Dr. Kirk didn't respond, he just stood and walked towards the door. But he didn't leave, he just shut it and turned the lights off so it was hard to see inside.

Scott assumed he had left, so he shut his eyes and exhaled slowly. But a few moments later, two large, strong hands grabbed his dainty wrists tightly and someone climbed on top of him as Scott tried to struggle and get away. "Shut up, ugly shit." Dr. Kirk hissed in Scott's ear before he pulled the light blue scrubs Scott was wearing for pants, ignoring how Scott cried and struggled.

Dr. Kirk undressed Scott completely and threw his clothes on the floor before using one hand to hold down both of Scott's, using the other to slowly trail down Scott's back as the teenager cried in fear, whimpering softly.

Scott tried to get the man off of him, but he hasn't been eating and he doesn't have any muscle. He kept trying, letting out a high pitched sound as the doctor forced his massive dick in Scott's ass. Tears filled Scott's eyes from the pain it caused, but it was clear Dr. Kirk didn't care, he just pushed Scott's face into the pillow to muffle his sound before he slammed into the blonde with full force as he cried and gripped the pillow in a fruitless attempt to help with the pain and fear.

Dr. Kirk leaned over Scott and groaned, enjoying the torture he was giving Scott. "Fuck, little slut." He whispered so he wouldn't be heard as he moved faster and faster. Scott made small noises of pain that Dr. Kirk could hear, and he just tightened his grip on Scott's wrists to worsen the pain as Scott's tears soaked his pillow.

* end rape scene by time skip *

When it was over, Dr. Kirk moved off of Scott. The teenager just laid there weakly with bruises on his wrists and hips, not to mention the pain radiating all over his body as he sobbed into his pillow.

He watched Scott whimper in pain as he slowly curled himself into a ball to hide his body from the disgusting doctor. Kirk sighed and leaned over Scott, kissing the back of his neck, "Tell a soul and I'll be back." He whispered, smiling as he watched Scott nod quickly, fearfully. Then he left Scott alone.

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