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And those obstacles makes one alot stronger and wiser - selvi Patel

Song: younger by ruel


NOOOO!, I screamed.I got up with a jolt,my plams were sweaty and so was my entire body. It was an electrifying moment. I wanted to get up and run but my body felt numb and weak. My heart was beating rapidly over it's normal pace. My clothes were soaked and there was an uneasy feeling,a sense of pure terror and fear.I looked around and observed the dark pitch gloomyness inside the room. I hated to live in the dark, it brought alot of nightmares in my life.

I fantastically searched for my phone and looked and the screen. To my surprise it was only 3:45 am.  This was an everyday nightmare from the time my parents were dead . Living alone clearly is not the best idea, I thought to myself. 

To avoid anymore suffocation,i slipped into the shower.  Usually I am a type of a girl that frankly takes a 30 minute shower . I know that's a lot of time wasted but I suppose I'm better then others who end up taking an hour.Well there's a purpose to it, firstly it helps me relax  my mind and cools my body.I believe it also reduces stress..

My phone vibrated on my desk. I checked the details and it was my best friend Kate. "Hello sleepy head",she chirped loudly and then burst out in an laughter. For a moment I let her continue with her little drama. "Hey",I said." "Agh!,too bad a 20 year old girl  living all alone in an flat and sulking herself ",she said emphasising on the word alone.I just sighned at her remark.
"Imma meet you at the cafe coz I have some important news Mia" with that being said she hang up.

Kate can be annoying sometimes but I only put up with her craziness because she is the only family I have.Not blood related but a bestie that has been with in my highs and lows.I just adore that child because she's the only bit of crazy,goofy and weird glimps in my life.
I opened my wardrobe and scanned through it to find something suitable to wear.Not for varsity but for work. Since I had no parents I needed to work extra hard and provide every essential need for myself.I worked at Charlies cafe from 3 till 6.I still struggled to balance my financial status but with the help of Kate we make it work.

As i stepped out the morning chilly breezy  wind kissed me all over my body. That immediately lifted my mood up.

Today I was working from ten till six.There was already a que of customers forming."Good morning Mia",greeted Charlies with a cute smile in his face .His green eyes really made his smile stand out with his dimples . Charlie is an English and Greek mixed man who own a cafe in seattle.Before he and his wife Marry ran the shop but a few years ago his wife passed on due to cancer.The work load became very hectic for him ,for he was already 64 years old and then he hired me .Sometimes he made me work a little longer and paid me extra bonus.I quickly put on my apron and headed by the counter.

"Hey babez", greeted a man,who frightened me a little.  He had a long scar running from his eyebrows till his cheecks. He had countless tattoos on his entire body and I noticed he also had alot of piercing done on his face.

"Hello", I said flashing a fake smile .

He grabbed a pen from the counter and scribbled his number down and then handed it to me."Call me up and tell me your rate",he said winking exposing his ugly pair of yellow teeth.I bet my face looked like a ripe tomato, brighter then a royal red.Mr Charlie observed the scenario and quickly reached the counter pushing me aside.  Before I could open my mouth, Kate walked in and waved me to the table on the side of the coner while ordering two coffee's for us.

"What's up Mia girl"?she said inspecting my face. I just shot her a death glare and blasted out almost screaming at her .

"What is wrong with the men's in this world,do they think I'm a charity case or a property that can be bought",I said throwing my hand in the air clearly annoyed and frustrated.

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