chapter 5

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Good habits are as addictive as bad habits and are more rewarding -unknown

Song: senorita by Shawn and camilo


Today was incredibly a tiring day. I felt so cozy and worked up. The evening had already approached as the sun started to sink and the clouds combined to create a beautiful mess of pink and purple clouds which illuminated on the glass building,the scenery was beautiful. Although the world revolved and everything moved i was caught up in the moment watching the night take shape. We were stuck in the traffic for over an hour. Once we arrived home i rushed in for a quick shower as I felt drained. Since our groceries were provided,I decided to prepare meat balls with spaghetti. Kate and I messed around in the kitchen. Kate offered to bake and wanted to put her culinary skills to test. So far things looked great for her until she cracked and egg which landed on the floor messing her as well in the process.

She quickly cleaned up and got back to her baking. She had already placed her cookies in the tray at 180 degrees for 45 minutes. After a few minutes the divine smell of the chocolate cookies filled the apartment which instantly watered my mouth and got my stomach growling. Only to find out that the cookies were burnt due to overtime. It was just not a cookie day.

Netherless we enjoyed our meal while catching up on today's events and then dashed out to our respective rooms. Kate appeared in my doorway with stack of papers in her hand.

"So here's comes the lazy child that can not finish her work,how can I help you?"I asked smiling at her only to earn a frown from her.
"Look I just need you to help me for a few minutes so that I can go to bed early".
"We just need to sort out some paperwork as dad's secretary is on a sick leave. Can you believe one of dad's Co-worker announced that she was seen with a guy having a munch,they were basically making out in public like ewww how disgusting is that,"she said with a disgust look in her face.
"Okay,on that note she was just trying to complete her needs can we go on with the work".
"No,Mia like I wonder what that old hag got herself,do you think his her age"?.
"Okay now you're arguing about this"
"Yeah because she is cheating on her husband and might as well add being unfaithful",she finished of with a scoff.
"Your being judgemental now why do you care it's her life",i stated simply.

I was laying on my bed when my phone buzzed next to me. I firstly checked the time it was already past midnight. It was from an unknown number. I quickly had a self debate with myself wether to take the call or not.
Having mastered up some courage I answered the call.
"Hello,I said softly waiting for the other person to answer.
"Do you usually make people wait so long..."?

I was way to firmiliar with this voice it was Shawn he was being snobby again. I did not response and waited for him to continue.
"It's shwan here,I called you up to inform you on your job and you'll be enlighten to know you've been accepted. Your article was very relevant and the facts were outlined perfectly so I was quite impressed"
I was speechless and probably wondered who calls a person up at midnight to tell them they've earned a spot and that too in a formal tone that was pretty ironic.

"Ummm....thank you Mr lott's I really am grateful for this opportunity".
"I am looking forward to have a great start with you Mrs Thompson, I've ready instructed my assistant to send you the schedule events for tomorrow and please see that you make it on time",he states curtly.
Yeah,definitely will do once again thank you sir and with that the call was disconnected.

Aghhh! Again clearly in this persons life good byes do not exist. I really wonder why was he so cold and stiff like that. Not forgetting he is very innovative and productive. My heart was still beating fast and blood was hearted. It was pumping loudly making the lub dub sound clearly audible.

Before zoning off I quickly remind myself to set an alarm since I'm not some Mrs perfectionist and clearly not a morning person.

*5am dream*

"Good morning Mr lott,i greeted him"....
"Oh hey Mrs Thompson call me Shawn,yeah"?
I could not register what he was saying as I was busy checking him out. He clearly had a good taste of style. He had a defined toned body which I so badly wanted to see what's beneath that shirt,with muscles popping out every time he flexed his arms. I was damn sure he was involved in some martial art practice because all his moves were so flexible. Everything screamed rich and manly of him.
This jerk was beyond rich and arrogant for my liking.

"Like what you see",he said with a glint of mischief in his eyes.
I was snapped back to reality. My face was heated up and dressed up with a blush visibly noticeable. I am such a duffer he has just caught me checking him out. I felt embarrassed but hey it was not a bad sight to look at I'm pretty sure my eyes were pleased with what they saw.

I was nervously biting my lower lip when he suddenly closed the space inbetween us. I became aware of the aproximity and tried to take a few steps back only to be stopped by his desk behind me. A small gasp left my mouth as I became aware of his cold finger tips tracing down my over heated skin. He traced his fingers right from my stomach to my face and kept an intese gaze which I instantly broke as I was hyperventilating now. He carried me and placed me on the desk while parting my legs and stood between them. He cupped my face and within a split of seconds his lips crushed into mines hungrily. His lips were enforced with so much of power,desire and lust as he kissed me roughly. He claimed my lips violently and trusting his tongue in my immovable mouth seeking for entrance. My body felt rigid as if a bucket of cold water has been thrown on me. I did not know how to react when all of a sudden his door was wide open with force and there stood his farther with a amused look on his face
"Holy shit"


A/N : I knw it's been a while since I last updated. You know sometimes life becomes very occupied especially if you're studing. I hope you like this chapter plz comment and let me what you guys think abt this book so far...also let me knw your favourite character. Mines would be kate she is a perfect example of insane ,weird and loud...
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