chapter 9

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Allow fixation on your soul and watch it purify itself -elvishen

Song: heavy by Anne-marie.


The meeting was rather exhausting as the editors raised million suggestions and questions on a story I had no clue to.Luckily I managed to provide them with stupid answers and the ironic thing was they actually liked my ideas wow isn't that great. I had no idea what this meeting held really and when it finally felt like enternity stacia butted in to answer. Thanks to that girl if it was not for her then I would have been paralysed by now.

Thankfully for the next couple of weeks I stuck to my usual work routine. I was working on my first publishing article which was to appear in a magazine named "THE MODERN WORLD ". I was abit nervous and excited at the same time.

Atleast Shawn was out for quite a while so I did not have to deal with his handsome vibes distraction me all the time. I could not help but wonder about the delusional kiss we shared in that dream. Part of me really wanted to feel it and I will not be ashamed to admit that.

Kate too had vanished,lately she was occupied with her fathers company since they needed a replacement for a personal assistant. Kate was not a person to follow someone's orders and does not like being pushed around. It's usually her way or baby get the highway.

I had checked my phone for the nth time this afternoon.
Oh god is this day ever going to end.
As soon as the clock hit 5 I was ready to stride out of the office. Today I was planning to treat myself with mac and cheese.

As I closed the door behind me Lisa came into view and instructed me to see Shawn in his office. The shock was clearly evident on my face. I was not aware of Shawn's return from Chicago. My mouth was itching to ask her about his return but I kept my mouth shut as I did not want to sound concerned. I mean surely all my hormones go out of wreck when i see him and pretty sure one can notice it but I guess I'll just keep my little crush I had on the sexy Mr lott to myself.

"Just be careful, he is not in his best moods",she said and left.

I slowly made my way in front of his door and knocked softly.

"Come in his voice boomed,"i was shaken out of my thoughts and this time his 'come in' was more louder which got me a bit frightened.
I walked in nervously refusing to make any sort of eye contact with him.

Take a seat,he instructed which I did so obediently.

At this point I was really freaking out taking into consideration that probably everyone left and
Omg what if he wants to kill me and dumps me somewhere no one will ever be able to find me,Jesus
Mia think straight stop being a spooky cat.

After what felt like enternity he broke the unbearable silence .

"Do you miss your parents" he asked in a hoarsy voice. His undivided attention was on me but I looked anywhere else but his face simply because i was scared to see what his face looked like right now.

This question caught me abit off guard. That was like the least unexpected thing I was expecting him to ask. I just gaped at him for awhile as he was not looking at me now. I could clearly see his face.He looked miserable. His hair was messy and his eyes were  bloodshot red it had dark circles which indicated his lack of sleep.  It felt as if he had been crying but I dared not to ask. I just nodded as I was loss for words. I was not used to seeing this side of him because I've never seen one.

My birth mom died when I was eight ever since then I was raised by my father. That was the year when everything seemed to take a awful turn on us. My father became an alcoholic, his company shares went down and he was in debts but he cared a damn and continued going to the bar and returning with random ladies every night. Most of the times I became his prey and experienced abuse. I can still recall the time he blamed me for my mother's death. You know everytime he would abuse me he would use different tools and kept telling me how unlucky I was and that I was a murderer. He said a child like me does not deserve to live so he attempted to kill me a lot of time but every time he took a step he would turn around and lock himself in his room and broke stuffs. The abuse continued until he met my step-mother Loren Parson .

She had just been a cardiologist for a few years and was very young but you know what they say that love is blind and so they hit it from there. She was a very compassionate and sophisticated women with young ambitions. I could have not been more happier after all my father's grief for my mother was huge and he deserved happiness. Loren helped my father get back his fame. She was persistent on reuniting this family and it worked my dad was normal again and I had forgiven him. She also awoke hope in me to chase my dreams again and here I am today with my own company . The thing is I wonder what my mother would have told me about my success",he faced his back on me and looked out the window. I think he was trying to hide his tears.

I took time to process what Shawn has told me. He had a very rocky past who would have know a handsome man like Shawn had to endure so much. I was actually happy that he choose to open up with me but  my heart actually ached for him and here I was thinking I had the worst life ever.

"What happen to your mother?" I asked as i wanted to know more.

Well it was my eight birthday and we'll planned to have a family dinner at an executive Italian villa. On our way our car collided with a truck. The trucks driver was drunk and driving. The cops managed to get hold of him but that day I lost the most important person in my life. My mothers last words 'honey how does it feel to be a big eight year old boy' still haunts me today. I think about all the things I could have said to her,I wish could have hugged her tell her how much I really loved her if I only knew ......I would have traded my life for hers....."

I got up from my seat and reached out to him .

Don't you dare say that there are people that love you, I said hugging him from the back.

I damped his shirt with my tears .Yes I was crying because I could feel his pain. A life without parents felt like the house without any proper foundation which could collapse any given moment. I was not too sure if I liked him or it was more than like but I could not imagine loosing him especially after learning what his past was like. We had a relatable past also as if we had the same fate.

He hugged me back tightly and  we stayed like that I did not object as I was completely lost in him.


Firstly want to apologise for disappearing forever things always come up. So now that it's summer holidays I'll have time to update often and please if you have lost interest in this book please give it another shot . I'm trying my best to make it interesting as possible. It's difficult to write because I have no initial idea of where I want this story to go but I promise to do my best.

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Until next time #happyreading💙🌸🌸🌸

Follow me on.... Instagram:@sharineselvs20

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